Upon his graduation from McGill in 1898, Green worked as a physician on the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway Crowsnest Pass line, in the Kootenay Valley, working on horseback.
In BC this includes two sawmills (Acorn and Hammond) on the Coast; two sawmills in the Kootenay region (Grand Forks and Castlegar); and one sawmill in the Southern Interior region near Kamloops (Adams Lake).
The Town of Osoyoos had a very successful Junior "B" team in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League known as the Osoyoos Storm until 2006.
Kootenay River | Kootenay | Kootenay Lake | The Kootenay School of Writing | Regional District of Kootenay Boundary | Regional District of East Kootenay | Kootenay Pass | Kootenay International Junior Hockey League | Kootenay Ice |
Highway 93 (Kootenay Highway, Banff-Windermere Parkway), is a north-south route through the southeastern part of the province, in the Regional District of East Kootenay.
Christina Lake, British Columbia, an unincorporated recreational area West Kootenay region of British Columbia, Canada
Kootenay Co-op Radio broadcasts in a mountainous region of British Columbia's southeast corner, and its terrestrial signal reaches settlements in the Purcell Mountains, Selkirk Mountains and Monashee Mountains.
East of Burnt Flat, the Crowsnest heads through the Kootenay Pass on a stretch known as the Kootenay Skyway, or Salmo-Creston Skyway.
In 1862 he went to the Cariboo Gold Rush and spent a few years there before moving to the Kootenay district to engage in both lumbering and mining, serving for a time as foreman for the Cherry Creek silver mine
The formation is exposed in outcrops in the Kootenay region of southeastern British Columbia, in the foothills and front ranges of the Canadian Rockies in southwestern Alberta, and as far north as the Peace River Country in northeastern British Columbia.
Douglas College was opened in 1970 followed by Camosun College in 1971, and East Kootenay Community College, North Island College, Northern Lights College, and Northwest Community College all opened in 1975.
To commemorate the Canadian troops fighting at Hollebeke, in 1917 the 2221 meter high Hollebeke Mountain (49° 23' 30" North, 114° 34' 10" West), on the continental divide at the head of Pincher Creek; southeast buttress of North Kootenay Pass.
One of his sons, also named John Charles, became the first customs collector in the Kootenay region of British Columbia.
McGillivray Ridge, a ridge in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia
Other than the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers, whose valleys form the bottomlands of the Rocky Mountain Trench, also included in the regional district are the northernmost parts of the basins of the Flathead, Moyie and Yahk Rivers (the Moyie and Yahk are tributaries of the Kootenay, entering it in the United States, and the Flathead is a tributary of the Clark Fork in Montana).
He was known generally as Volcanic Brown, especially in the province's Kootenay and Boundary districts and in adjoining Eastern Washington, and also as Sunset Brown in the Similkameen District and still also to others as Crazy Brown.
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) is a school district in southeastern British Columbia.
Programs are available through their Schools of Business and Aviation, Digital Media and Music, Health and Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Industry and Trades Training, Renewable Resources, University Arts and Sciences, Adult Basic Education and Transitional Training and Kootenay School of the Arts.
He was an advisor on small arms to the Canadian Government and he designed and built the plant of the West Kootenay Power and Light Co. on the Kootenay River at Bonnington Falls.
The mountains to the east of Slocan Lake were the focus of the silver rush known as "the Silvery Slocan", during which steamboats and railways penetrated the Kootenay Range east of the lake to Sandon, the "capital" of the rush and the destination of three railways, two from the direction of Slocan Lake via Carpenter Creek, the other via Retallack Pass from Kaslo on Kootenay Lake.
The Slocan Valley Rail Trail is a multi-use recreational rail trail located in the Kootenay region of southeastern British Columbia, namely the Slocan Valley.
They are members of the Neil Murdoch Division of the Kootenay Conference of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL).
St. Leon, British Columbia, also known as St. Leon Hot Springs, an unincorporated settlement and former hot springs resort in the Kootenay region of British Columbia, Canada
In the early 1880s a wealthy European adventurer, William Adolf Baillie-Grohman (1851–1921), travelled to the Kootenay Region and became obsessed with developing an area far down the Kootenay River near the southern end of Kootenay Lake called Kootenay Flats, near the modern town of Creston, BC.