
7 unusual facts about Kursk

Little Tragedies

"Little Tragedies" were founded in 1994 by the graduate of St. Petersburg Conservatory, composer Gennady Ilyin, in the city of Kursk, after previously performing with a band called Paradox.

Due to the fact Ilyin moved to live in Germany, he sends the music scores to the band members via email, and after they learn it he arrives to Kursk for the rehearsals and recordings.

Nikolai Aseev

Nikolai Nikolaievich Aseev was born in the city of Lgov in the region of Kursk.

Southwestern Railways

In that year Kiev was also connected to the Russian Empire's railroad system by a track from Kiev to Kursk.

Steponas Kairys

Following graduation he worked for several years in railroad construction in the Samara and Kursk regions of Russia.

Sylvester Stadler

The Knight's Cross was upgraded with Oak Leaves following the Battle of Kursk (the Eichenlaub – Nr. 303 – was presented to Stadler personally by Adolf Hitler).

The Tolmachevy Twins

Anastasiya and Maria Tolmachevy (Анастасия и Мария Толмачёвы, born 14 January 1997) are twins and child singers from the Russian city of Kursk.

Alexey Ivanovich Borozdin

He graduated from the Kursk Music College in 1957, then studied in the L'vov Music School until 1961, when he dropped out for a teaching career and did not complete his formal music education until 1976, when he graduated from the Novosibirsk Music School.

E4 Group

Projects include the N’yagan Regional Power Plant; construction of CPP-410 Krasnodar TPP; boiler, North-west borough of Kursk – construction of CCP 125MW; and construction of a nuclear waste storage facility at Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk.

Fyodor Gornostayev

Gornostaev, keen on preserving historical buildings, performed surveys of Monastery of Saint Euthymius in Suzdal, Kursk Cathedral, Baturin and various Moscow landmarks and collaborated with Igor Grabar on "History of Russian arts" (История русского искусства).

Indians in Russia

From the mid-1950s onwards significant numbers of Indian students began attending educational institutions in Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and Kursk .

Kiev Passenger Railway Station

The old Kiev railroad station was constructed during 1868-1870, as a part of Kiev-Balta and Kiev-Kursk railroad constructions, which were also completed in 1870.

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and the neighbouring town of Kurchatov stood in for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat for the production of the 1991 American television movie Chernobyl: The Final Warning.

Mikhail Zlatopolsky

He also can be heard singing Sviridov's Songs of Kursk with the Moscow State Chamber Choir under Vladimir Minin.

Muravsky Trail

Such a chain of eleven forts and obstructions, the "Belgorod Defense Line", was constructed at the behest of Boris Godunov, including, among other fortified settlements, the towns of Livny (1586), Voronezh (1586), Kursk (1587, rebuilt), Yelets (1592, rebuilt), Stary Oskol (1593), Valuyki (1593) and Belgorod (1596, rebuilt).


"Administrative okrugs" are such divisions in the cities of Murmansk, Omsk, and Tyumen; "city okrugs" are used in Krasnodar; "municipal okrugs" are the divisions of Nazran; "okrugs" exist in Belgorod, Kaluga, Kursk, and Novorossiysk; and "territorial okrugs" are the divisions of Arkhangelsk and Lipetsk.

Pavel Nikolaievich Demidov

In 1828 he purchased the Sancy diamond and he received his discharge in 1831 with the rank of captain, at which point he entered civil service as governor of the province of Kursk.

Russian deep submergence rescue vehicle AS-28

Kommersant reports that the head of the Navy Vladimir Kuroyedov, may be relieved over this, the Kursk, and other accidents.


The region received its name after the Severians, an East Slavic tribe which inhabited the territory in the late 1st millennium A.D. Their main settlements included the present-day cities of Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv (Chernigov), Putyvl (Putivl), Hlukhiv (Glukhov), Liubech, Kursk, Rylsk, Starodub, Trubchevsk, Sevsk, Bryansk, and Belgorod.

Steppe Front

It incorporated forces from the Soviet rear areas to the West of Kursk salient along the line Tula-Yelets-Stary Oskol-Rossosh (Тула-Елец-Старый Оскол-Россошь).

Valentina Grizodubova

Grizodubova led her Regiment almost every night overcoming strong flak defences and Luftwaffe night fighters in Kursk, Orel and L'gov areas.

Yuri Sklyarov

Yuri Sklyarov (born 8 February 1925, Kursk ) Candidate of Historical Sciences, is a CPSU party member since 1944, a candidate member of the Central Committee (1981-1989), Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 11 convocation.

see also