
5 unusual facts about Balta

Balta, Shetland

John MacCulloch visited Balta in May 1820 to carry out the Trigonometrical Survey for the Ordnance Survey.

Demographic history of Transnistria

MASSR was limited to some areas east of the Dniester, until Balta.

Kiev Passenger Railway Station

The old Kiev railroad station was constructed during 1868-1870, as a part of Kiev-Balta and Kiev-Kursk railroad constructions, which were also completed in 1870.

Rouslan Bodelan

In 1961 he began his work at the "Odessilbud" construction company (within its Construction and Field Assembly Department #14) in Balta.

Southwestern Railways

In 1870 Kiev was linked with this railroad system by a line from Balta to Kiev.

Antisemitism in Ukraine

His defence, led by the French lawyer Henri Torres, focused on Petliura's alleged responsibility for the 1919–1920 pogroms in Balta in which Schwartzbard had previously lost all members of his family.

British Cemetery, Callao

Europeans and their descendents include families like the Backus family, founders of the breweries, as well as descendents of the famous railway entrepreneur Mr. Enrique Meiggs who built the Souuthern Railway (Mollendo - Arequipa) during the Balta Government and, subsequently, the Central Railway.

Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah

Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah delivered the prophet Muhammad's letter to the Ruler of Egypt, Maqauqos the Copt.

see also