Herbert Kessler and Kurt Weitzmann argue that the manuscript was produced in Alexandria, as it exhibits stylistic similarities to other Alexandrian works such as the Charioteer Papyrus.
Kurt Weitzmann was born in Klein Almerode (Witzenhausen, near Kassel) Germany on May 7, 1904 and died in Princeton, New Jersey on June 7, 1993.
He is well known for the time he spent researching the icons and architecture at Saint Catherine's Monastery in Egypt.
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The subject produced a sharp disagreement between Kurt Weitzmann, who thought the form of the roll was a classicising invention of the Macedonian Renaissance, and Meyer Schapiro, who, whilst agreeing with Weitzmann on a 10th-century date, held to the more traditional view that painted rotuli existed in Late Antiquity, and that the roll was essentially copied from such a work, perhaps through intermediaries.