Amor asteroid | Sexo, pudor y lágrimas | L'amor coniugale | Simon Amor | Amor Prohibido | Amor | Leys d'amor | Gotita de amor | Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor | Amor (song) | Amor De Cosmos | Un Paso del Amor | Screenshot from ''Una mujer sin amor'', Javier Loya | Perro Amor | Nada más que amor | Mi Buen Amor | Locura de amor | Llena de Amor | Jorge Amor Ameal | Dulce Amor | Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club | Canção do Amor Demais | Atado a Tu Amor | Amor Gitano | Amor fati | Amor de Perdição | Amor Amarillo |
Lágrimas, Risas y Amor (Tears, Laughter and Love) was a romantic Mexican comic book published by Editorial Argumentos (EDAR), probably the most popular of its kind in Latin America and one of the most popular of all the media in Mexico.
A crucial character to the story is Brady's horse, a black Andalusian stallion named Lágrimas ("tears").
In the Dutch documentary Lagrimas Negras they are shown as true supporters of the Cuban Revolution, bringing homage to the grave of 'Carlos Marx'.