
2 unusual facts about L’Unita

Antonio Di Pietro

On January 30, 2006 he published a letter in the Italian newspaper L'Unità, in which he promised to work for a law that will prohibit anyone from being elected more than twice consecutively (although he has been an MP since 1996), and prohibiting anyone who has received a definitive sentence from becoming a candidate in elections.

Vincenzo Lavarra

From 1979 to 1982 he was the chief editor of the Italian communist newspaper L'Unità in Apulia.


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1989 Jamba Hercules crash

The 1989 Jamba Hercules crash refers to an accident involving a Lockheed Hercules C-100 aircraft belonging to a CIA front company, Tepper Aviation, that crashed on final approach at Jamba, Huíla in Angola while delivering arms to UNITA.


In the 1990s, Bailundo was the location of the headquarters of UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi.

Citizens for America

The meeting was held in the UNITA headquarters of Angolan rebel Jonas Savimbi.

Clark Amendment

Visiting The Heritage Foundation on October 5, 1989, the ultimate beneficiary of the Clark Amendment's repeal, Jonas Savimbi's UNITA, praised the Heritage Foundation for its critical role in advocating the repeal of the amendment.

Demosthenes Amos Chilingutila

Jonas Savimbi, the leader of UNITA, demoted Chilingutila for UNITA's military failures in the 1970s to Chief of Operations in 1985.

Fowler Report

The report condemned Burkinabé President Blaise Compaoré for sending fuel to UNITA and maintaining a stronger alliance with UNITA than all other African leaders.

Guido Buzzelli

He then started to collaborate with magazines and newspapers such as Linus, Alter Linus, Paese Sera, Il Messaggero, L'Espresso, L'Eternauta, Psyco, Corriere dei Ragazzi, Comic Art, Playmen, Menelik, L'Unità, and, in France, Pilote, Métal Hurlant, À Suivre, Circus, Le Monde, Fluide Glacial and others.


As Huambo and other major towns in the Plateau were being shelled from Bailundo and other positions still in possession of UNITA, two C-130 Hercules aircraft chartered by the United Nations with 23 people on board were shot down over Vila Nova (Dec. 26, 1998 and Jan. 2, 1999), as they were trying to evacuate to Luanda the last remains of the UNAVEM III mission in Huambo.

Kerry Kennedy

Kennedy has appeared numerous times on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and PBS as well as on networks in countries around the world, and her commentaries and articles have been published in The Boston Globe, The Chicago Sun-Times, L’Unita, The Los Angeles Times, Marie Claire, The New York Times, Página/12, TV Guide and the Yale Journal of International Law.

Oliviero Beha

Among his numerous activities in the 2000s, Beha has also written for the left newspaper L'Unità (2005-2008), and was a co-founder of Il Fatto Quotidiano in 2009.

Operation Alpha Centauri

The operation was an artillery attack against Cuban and FAPLA formations concentrating in Cuito Cuanavale for their 1986 offensive against UNITA.

Operation Southern Cross

Cuito Cuanavale was a military base used previously to launch Cuban and Angolan attacks on the UNITA held town of Mavinga with the objective to capture it and eventually launch an attack on the UNITA headquarters at Jamba.

Operation Wallpaper

The potential loss of Mavinga by UNITA could give FAPLA the opportunity to stage a further attack on UNITA's capital at Jamba.

Programme to Combat Racism

It funded a number of liberation movements while those groups were involved in violent struggle, including UNITA and the MPLA in Angola; FRELIMO in Mozambique; SWAPO in South West Africa/Namibia; the Patriotic Front in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe; and the ANC and Pan Africanist Congress in South Africa.

Sergio Staino

In the 1980s he collaborated with the newspapers Il Messaggero and L'Unità, for which he still works.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1190

The government in particular was asked to ensure that the Angolan National Police refrain from activities inconsistent with the Lusaka Protocol and to respect UNITA as a political party.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1202

UNITA was urged to transform itself into a political party and legal authority and human rights had to be respected.

see also