This was thwarted by the Tunney/Clark amendment, passed by a Democratic congress forbidding any involvement.
Visiting The Heritage Foundation on October 5, 1989, the ultimate beneficiary of the Clark Amendment's repeal, Jonas Savimbi's UNITA, praised the Heritage Foundation for its critical role in advocating the repeal of the amendment.
Clark Gable | First Amendment to the United States Constitution | First Amendment | Clark | Petula Clark | Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman | Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Clark Kent | Clark County | Dick Clark | Clark County, Nevada | Roy Clark | Guy Clark | Helen Clark | Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Equal Rights Amendment | Lewis & Clark College | Joe Clark | Wesley Clark | Second Amendment to the United States Constitution | Jim Clark | George Rogers Clark | Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Clark University | Clark Howard | Clark County, Washington | Fifth Amendment | Clark Ashton Smith | Alan Clark | Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution |