Human Desire, 1954 movie based on the novel, and directed by Fritz Lang, starring Glenn Ford
La Comédie humaine | La Belle et la Bête | La voix humaine | La Bête humaine | La Voix Humaine | la Comédie humaine | La Comedie humaine | La Belle et la Bête (fairy tale) | '''''La Belle et la Bête''''' (fairy tale) | Bharjari Bete | Bete Mendes |
With this object in view he visited the colliery of Anzin in northern France, in February 1884 when a strike was on; he visited La Beauce (for La Terre), Sedan, Ardennes (for La Débâcle) and travelled on the railway line between Paris and Le Havre (when researching La Bête humaine).