
unusual facts about Laguna Pueblo

Interstate 40 in New Mexico

The route leaves the Acoma Indian Reservation with Mt. Taylor to the north and enters the Laguna Pueblo.

Aaron Albert Carr

Aaron Albert Carr (1963-) is a Laguna Pueblo/Navajo documentary film maker and author.

Miss Navajo

A documentary film called Miss Navajo, directed by Billy Luther (who is Navajo, Hopi, and Laguna), was filmed in 2005 and 2006, released in 2006, and shown on the Independent Lens documentary series on PBS in 2007.

Paula Gunn Allen

Born Paula Marie Francis in Albuquerque, New Mexico Allen grew up in Cubero, New Mexico, a Spanish-Mexican land grant village bordering the Laguna Pueblo reservation.

see also

Interstate 40 in New Mexico

The route departs the Laguna Pueblo, briefly transits the Tohajiilee Indian Reservation (a chapter of the Navajo Nation), crosses the Rio Puerco and begins a steep climb to the top of a mesa marked by several small cinder cones overlooking the Rio Grande rift and Albuquerque.