
2 unusual facts about Lake Eyre


Ilariids are thought to be the largest marsupials of their time in the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo basin, and lived along with Wynyardiidae, Obdurodon, and thylacoleonids (marsupial lions) such as Priscileo and Wakaleo.

Sahara Sea

During the late 1800s there were various proposals to flood Lake Eyre in the South Australian desert with seawater via a canal.

Barcoo River

The waters of the river flow towards Lake Eyre in central Australia while those of rivers further east join the Murray-Darling basin and reach the sea in South Australia.

Ctenophorus maculosus

maculosus is endemic to the three largest dry salt lakes of inner South Australia (Lake Eyre, Lake Callabonna, and Lake Torrens), with the densest population found in Lake Eyre.

Georgina River

The Georgina River is the north-westernmost of the three major rivers of the Channel Country in Central West Queensland that flow in extremely wet years into Lake Eyre.

James Milner Phillips

In early 1962 Phillips made a reconnaissance trip to Lake Eyre, South Australia and had been warned by a local sheep station owner that heavy rains were expected the following year following the twenty years of drought that had made the playa so suitable as a driving surface.

see also

Lake Eyre basin

It too rises in northern Queensland, roughly between Mount Isa and Winton, flowing 800 kilometres south and west through Birdsville and the Channel Country to join the Georgina at Goyder Lagoon (and then, if there is sufficient flow, down Warburton Creek towards Lake Eyre).