
unusual facts about Larry C. Napper

Larry C. Napper

In 1983-84, Napper received an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship in the office of Representative Lee H. Hamilton.

Anita Finlay

A supporter of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in 2008, Finlay blogged extensively for Larry Johnson's No Quarter blog and Uppity Woman.


The betavoltaic program along with the development of the Betacel was led by Dr. Larry C. Olsen and a team of researchers at Donald W. Douglas Laboratories (DWDL), McDonnell Douglas Corporation, in the early 1970s.

Larry C. Brewer

In 1968 and 1969, he served as one of two main receivers for Terry Bradshaw, the Shreveport native who subsequently embarked on a highly successful career with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Larry C. Johnson

He has been interviewed by both the mass media and the alternative media and published commentaries on a variety of issues, including the Plame affair, the controversy concerning Mary McCarthy, and the resignation of Porter Goss as Director of Central Intelligence.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

The memorandum was also signed by the VIPS Steering Group including Ray Close, Philip Giraldi, Larry Johnson, W. Patrick Lang, Raymond McGovern, Coleen Rowley, and Ann Wright.

see also