Elin and Wedge were the key animators on MAGI's work on the feature film Tron, which included the Lightcycle, Recognizer, and Tank sequences.
In 1972, MAGI/Synthavision was started by Robert Goldstein, with Bo Gehring and Larry Elin covering the design and film/television interests, respectively.
Larry King Live | Larry King | Larry Niven | Larry Coryell | Larry Ellison | Larry Holmes | Larry the Cable Guy | Larry David | Larry McMurtry | Larry Flynt | Larry Bird | The People vs. Larry Flynt | Larry Page | Larry Norman | Larry Constantine | Larry Hryb | Larry Elmore | Larry Sparks | Larry Sabato | Larry Hibbitt | Larry Hama | Larry Goldings | Larry Fedora | Larry Doby | Larry Csonka | Larry Campbell | Larry Adler | Larry Walker | Larry Sultan | Larry Smith |