Schneeman is known for being one of the most prolific collaborators in a milieu frequently characterized by its collaborative spirit; over approximately forty years, he collaborated on hundreds of pieces of art with, amongst others, Ted Berrigan, Anne Waldman, Allen Ginsberg, Larry Fagin, Dick Gallup, Michael Brownstein, Lewis MacAdams, Alice Notley, Bill Berkson, Tom Clark, Steve Katz, Ted Greenwald and Lewis Warsh.
In 1975 he founded Danspace with Barbara Dilley and was its artistic director through 1980.
In 2000 he revived the Adventures in Poetry imprint with Cris Mattison, publishing books by John Ashbery, John Godfrey, Kit Robinson, Alan Bernheimer, Jean Day, Carla Harryman, North, Coolidge, Kenward Elmslie, and others.
He began associating with other poets and writers in 1957, meeting David Meltzer in Los Angeles, and Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, and Gregory Corso two years later in Europe.
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