Larry Hurtado (born 1943) is a New Testament scholar, historian of early Christianity and Emeritus Professor of New Testament Language, Literature and Theology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Professor 1996-2011).
The book contains numerous endorsements by prominent Christian New Testament scholars and academics including Larry Hurtado, Martin Hengel, Donald Hagner, Craig A. Evans, Craig L. Blomberg and Scot McKnight.
Larry King Live | Larry King | Larry Niven | Larry Coryell | Larry Ellison | Larry Holmes | Larry the Cable Guy | Larry David | Larry McMurtry | Larry Flynt | Larry Bird | The People vs. Larry Flynt | Larry Page | Larry Norman | Larry Constantine | Larry Hryb | Larry Elmore | Larry Sparks | Larry Sabato | Larry Hibbitt | Larry Hama | Larry Goldings | Larry Fedora | Larry Doby | Larry Csonka | Larry Campbell | Larry Adler | Larry Walker | Larry Sultan | Larry Smith |
The journal has consistently attracted attention with articles by leading biblical scholars and theologians including Richard Bauckham, Larry Hurtado, I. Howard Marshall, N.T. Wright, Craig Blomberg, R.T. France, Simon Gathercole, D.A. Carson, and Alister McGrath.