Written as a popular history, the text ranges from short biographies of Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger and Ward Cunningham, to brief accounts of infamous events in Wikipedia's history such as the Essjay controversy and the Wikipedia biography controversy.
In this episode the pros and cons of Wikipedia as well as other Web 2.0 websites were discussed by Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger, Andrew Keen (writer), Charles Leadbeater (writer) and Robert McHenry (former editor-in-chief of the Encyclopædia Britannica).
Larry King Live | Larry King | Larry Niven | Larry Coryell | Larry Ellison | Larry Holmes | Larry the Cable Guy | Larry David | Larry McMurtry | Larry Flynt | Larry Bird | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | The People vs. Larry Flynt | Larry Page | Larry Norman | Larry Constantine | Larry Hryb | Larry Elmore | Larry Sparks | Larry Sabato | Larry Hibbitt | Larry Hama | Larry Goldings | Larry Fedora | Larry Doby | Larry Csonka | Larry Campbell | Larry Adler | Margaret Sanger | Larry Walker |