
2 unusual facts about Lars Forssell

Le Déserteur

It was later translated into English, Italian (by Luigi Tenco, Ornella Vanoni and Ivano Fossati), Spanish, Swedish ("Jag står här på ett torg", Lars Forssell), Dutch ("De deserteur" by Peter Blanker), Catalan and Danish and then many other languages.

United NLF Groups

An important factor to the success of the DFFG was the strong support the movement was able to gather amongst prominent artists and intellectuals at the time, such as Jan Myrdal, Sara Lidman, Lars Forssell, Cornelis Wreesvijk and Fred Åkerström.

Den svenska sångboken

The book includes the most famous Swedish songs from earlier time until present, and the songwriters are among Carl Michael Bellman, Birger Sjöberg, Evert Taube, Lars Forssell, Olle Adolphson, Ulf Lundell, Mikael Wiehe, Lasse Berghagen, Benny Andersson, Eva Dahlgren, Lisa Ekdahl, Lasse Dahlquist and Åsa Jinder.

You're Summer

The most intriguing line of this song is "Oh your breasts are like swallows in nesting", written by the well-known poet Lars Forssell, member of the Swedish Academy.

see also