David Lehman, Rational Choice and the Sociology of Religion, chapter 8 in Bryan S. Turner (ed.) The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion, John Wiley and Sons, 2010, ISBN 1-4051-8852-9
Nowadays their theory, which aims to explain religious involvement in terms of rewards and compensators, is seen as a precursor of the more explicit recourse to economic principles in the study of religion as later developed by Laurence Iannaccone and others.
Laurence Olivier | Laurence Sterne | Laurence Fishburne | Laurence Binyon | Paul Laurence Dunbar | Laurence Harvey | Margaret Laurence | Laurence Monroe Klauber | Laurence Oliphant | Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen | Laurence Hutton | St Laurence's Church, Reading | St. Laurence O'Toole | Richard Laurence | Laurence Sulivan | Laurence O'Neill | Laurence Olivier Award | Laurence O'Keefe | Laurence Housman | Laurence Hope (artist) | Laurence Hope | Laurence Ginnell | Laurence Doherty | Laurence Cottle | William L. Laurence | Sydney Laurence | St Laurence's GAA | St Laurence's Church | Laurence Whistler | Laurence Tribe |