
4 unusual facts about Layla Miller

Alternative versions of Hawkeye

Hawkeye soon learned the truth about the House of M reality from Layla Miller.

Layla Miller

Around this time she is also offered a place among Nick Fury's Secret Warriors by Daisy Johnson but declines, claiming the mutants will need her more.

Layla, then, has extensive knowledge of past and future events; an effect which enables Layla to see paths of causality to their ultimate conclusion and allows her to alter certain events from occurring (referred to as "causality" in Secret Warriors #1).

A group made up of ex-mutants by the name of X-Cell, who believes the government had depowered mutants, are hiding in Mutant Town.

see also

I Feel Sick

A doll version of Spooky can be seen in Layla Miller's room in Marvel comics House of M event.