
30 unusual facts about Le monde

9/11: The Big Lie

Both Libération and Le Monde, launched special investigations to disprove Meyssan's theories.

Andrea Peron

Before the 2004 Tour de France, rumours surfaced in the French newspaper Le Monde that Peron, alongside other riders, was still under suspicion for using doping following a police razzia in Sanremo, Italy in June 2001.

Arnaud Tournant

Tournant refused to speak at a post-race press conference at the Olympics, until Stephane Mandard, a journalist for Le Monde newspaper, and an anti-doping campaigner, left the room.

Biùtiful cauntri

On 15 July 2008 the film was released in France, where it received a positive review from Le Monde.

Café de Paris sauce

The Paris newspaper Le Monde reports that the sauce as served by Le Relais de Venise – L'Entrecôte is made from chicken livers, fresh thyme and thyme flowers, full cream (19 percent butterfat), white Dijon mustard, butter, water, salt, and pepper.

Capital punishment in Mongolia

Le Monde, however, noted that President Elbegdorj "may find it a lot more difficult" to have the death penalty abolished in law, adding that the death penalty might be applied again if Elbegdorj failed to be reelected.

Centre de liaison de l'enseignement et des médias d'information

Based in Paris, it is led by France Renucci, a lecturer at the Paris-Sorbonne University and its advisory council and development are chaired by Jean-Marie Smith, a former journalist from Le Monde.

Fashionable Nonsense

In Jacques Derrida's response, "Sokal and Bricmont Aren't Serious," first published in Le Monde, Derrida writes that the Sokal hoax is rather "sad triste," not only because Alan Sokal's name is now linked primarily to a hoax, not to science, but also because the chance to reflect seriously on this issue has been ruined for a broad public forum that deserves better.


In 2012, Cammas published an opinion piece in Le Monde, discussing the above conditions and defending the Michelin Guide’s ethics.

Freitag aus Licht

Gérard Condé wrote in Le Monde about how the requirements of the Light cycle forced the composer into a cloister of sorts, This quest for perfection, a complete fulfillment of the artistic gesture from its conception to its implementation, against the tide of the entire musical practice, gradually shut the composer in a superb isolation, which resembles a prison.

Geir Lippestad

Before the trial Lippestad told the French newspaper Le Monde: "I feel I have lost my soul in this case ... I hope to get it back once it's over – and that it will be in the same condition as before."

Gerard Ryle

"To analyze the documents, ICIJ collaborated with reporters from The Guardian and the BBC in the U.K., Le Monde in France, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Germany, The Washington Post, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and 31 other media partners around the world.

Graduated response

However, writing in Le Monde, Damien Leloup and Jeremiah Baruch attribute the decline in digital piracy and sales increase to the introduction of a new iPhone.

Guido Buzzelli

He then started to collaborate with magazines and newspapers such as Linus, Alter Linus, Paese Sera, Il Messaggero, L'Espresso, L'Eternauta, Psyco, Corriere dei Ragazzi, Comic Art, Playmen, Menelik, L'Unità, and, in France, Pilote, Métal Hurlant, À Suivre, Circus, Le Monde, Fluide Glacial and others.

Jacques Augendre

He worked for Le Monde, a general news daily, from 1965 to 1990, writing about cycling, expanding the general sports coverage.

Junichi Saga

The 1989 book was called "colorful, unorthodox" by the International Herald Tribune, "a witness to the past" by Le Monde, and "vivid and accurate" by the Los Angeles Times.

Maati Kabbal

He is a frequent contributor to French and Moroccan television programs and newspapers like Libération and Le Monde dipomatique.

Paul Kingsnorth

In recent years, he has written for or contributed to the Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Le Monde, New Statesman, Ecologist, New Internationalist, Big Issue, Adbusters, BBC Wildlife, openDemocracy, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2, BBC Four, ITV and Resonance FM.

Privacy International

In July 2012, the French Minister for the Digital Economy, Fleur Pellerin, announced her opposition to exports of surveillance technology to repressive regimes during a radio show hosted by Le Monde and public broadcaster France Culture.

Régis Debray

In a February 2007 op-ed in Le Monde, Régis Debray criticized the tendency of the whole French political class to move toward the right-wing of politics.

Robert Redeker

On October 3, 2006 a group of renowned French intellectuals published "appel en faveur de Robert Redeker" (an appeal in support of Robert Redeker) in Le Monde, among them Elisabeth Badinter, Alain Finkielkraut, André Glucksmann, Claude Lanzmann (with the editorial staff of "Les Temps Modernes") and Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Rod Kedward

Jean-Pierre Rioux in Le Monde of 20 October 1989 described it as "a work which appeared in 1978 and has become a classic in the eyes of specialists and all praise must go to Champ Vallon for having at last commissioned its translation".

Laurent Douzou in his review of the Maquis book for Le Monde of 10 September found it astonishing that a foreign historian should have such an intimate understanding and knowledge of rural France.

She'ar Yashuv

Damascus radio and the French daily Le Monde even announced that the moshav had been captured by the Syrians.

Stefano de Luigi

During his career he also published a lot of photographs for such magazines and newspapers as Le Monde, Paris Match, Stern, Time and The New Yorker.

Sunara Begum

As a photographer her work has been published in France, UK, China, India and Bangladesh, in magazines and newspapers including Le Monde, and L'Parisian.

Sylvain Cypel

Sylvain Cypel is senior editor at the French newspaper Le Monde.

The Miracle of St. Anne

Le Monde described it as "a stage masterpiece"), but the show was a financial flop.

Tomas van Houtryve

He also published a lot of photographs in the following magazines and newspapers; Time, The New York Times, Newsweek, Le Figaro, Le Monde, The Independent Magazine, GEO, Smithsonian, Stern, Foreign Policy and National Geographic.

Tuvia Tenenbom

Tenenbom was named "founder of a new form of Jewish theatre" by the French Le Monde and a "New Jew" by the Israeli Maariv.

Albert Oehlen

Philippe Dagen, writing in Le Monde about Oehlen's 2011 exhibition in Nîmes, concluded that he was "of only limited importance. With about 30 canvases he reveals his system with absolute, but unfortunately appalling, clarity."

American University in Bulgaria

Evgeny Morozov, AUBG graduate, Class of 2005, author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom (January 2011); a contributing editor to Foreign Policy, contributor to The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, Le Monde, and many others


CELSA's alumni work for highly regarded French media institutions, such as TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal Plus, France 24, Arte (TV); Le Monde, Le Figaro, Libération (print) or Radio France Internationale, RTL, Europe 1 (radio)...

Clémentine Autain

According to Le Monde, she would also have been close to the Gauche socialiste associated Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

European Press Prize

The jury will be chaired by Harry Evans, editor-at-large of Thomson Reuters and the former editor of the Sunday Times, and the other members of the jury are Sylvie Kauffmann, former editor-in-chief of Le Monde and also board member of the Global Editors Network and Yevgenia Albats, editor-in-chief of the Russian New Times.

Fatah al-Islam

On December 7, 2006 Le Monde reported that a top UN official had been informed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) representative in Lebanon, Abbas Zaki, of a plot by Fatah al-Islam to assassinate 36 anti-Syrian figures in Lebanon.

François-Henri de Virieu

As a great-grandson of one of the founders Le Pèlerin, he presents himself at La Croix, but despite the great welcome of Jean Gélamur, he prefers to attempt his chance at Le Monde where the contact with Hubert Beuve-Méry is promoted due to the same belonging of this one at the same resistance field of the one that belonged his father.

Jean de Maillard

He also co-signed a May 9, 2001 op-ed in Le Monde with Bernard Bertossa, attorney general in Geneva, Benoît Dejemeppe, king's attorney in Bruxelles (procureur du roi), Eva Joly, investigative magistrate in Paris, and Renaud van Ruymbeke, judge in Paris, entitled The 'black boxes' of financial globalization, that supported reporter Denis Robert in his investigations concerning the Clearstream Affair.

Manuel Maria Carrilho

He has also been a regular columnist at French daily Le Monde and in the Portuguese newspapers Expresso, Público, Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias and Diário de Notícias, having recently started publishing in the last one a new Thursday column, untitled «A Boa Distância» (which can both mean «The Good Distance» and «From a Good Distance»).

Maurice Duverger

An emeritus professor of the Sorbonne and member of the FNSP, he has published many books and articles in newspapers, such as Corriere della Sera, la Repubblica, El País, and especially Le Monde.

Peggy Adam

She created posters for the Angoulême International Comics Festival, Tulle's theater, and cartoons for French national newspapers and magazines such as Le Monde, Libération, Femme Actuelle, Femina, Bang.

Pierre Bergé

On November 2, 2010, he bought a stake in Le Monde newspaper, along with investors Matthieu Pigasse and Xavier Niel.

Saudi Investment Company

Included among SICO's more notable business partners is the Pakistani businessman Akberali Moawalla, who, on December 5, 2001, would come under the scrutiny of French investigative authorities for his role in a €241 million transfer made to Pakistan in 2000 from an account belonging to a company called Cambridge, an SBG subsidiary, that was opened at Deutsche Bank in Geneva, according to the Le Monde.

Zhou Weihui

She has presented her work in a large number of Western publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, Time, CNN, USA Today, the BBC, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Economist, Stern, Welt am Sonntag, Asahi Shimbun, NHK, Yomiuri Shimbun, Le Monde, ND Le Figaro.