On November 30, 2011 Roll Call reported that Brinkley will run for Maryland's 6th congressional district and, “if necessary,” will primary Bartlett, according to his friend and supporter, state Delegate LeRoy Myers.
The ceremony was attended by about 20 relatives that had traveled from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as well as Harold "Stumpy" Cromer of the tap team Stump and Stumpy, dancer Norma Miller, and many others.
Delegates who stand for Washington County include: LeRoy Myers (R) for District 1C, Andrew A. Serafini (R) for District 2A, Neil Parrot (R) for District 2B, John P. Donoghue (D) for District 2C, and Michael Hough (R) for District 3B.
Bristol-Myers Squibb | Fort Myers, Florida | Mike Myers | Leroy Anderson | Mike Myers (actor) | Fort Myers | Richard Myers | PZ Myers | Nolwenn Leroy | Chris Myers | Leroy Van Dyke | Harry Myers | Scott Myers | Norman Myers | LeRoy R. Hafen | LeRoy Myers | Leroy Jenkins (jazz musician) | Leroy Jenkins | Leroy Burrell | JT LeRoy | Jacques Leroy de Saint Arnaud | Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers | Claire Leroy | Barton Myers | William Leroy Broun | Walter Dean Myers | Stafford LeRoy Irwin | Shirley Myers | Ros Myers | Myers |