
unusual facts about Learners


Writer Jessica Hynes, who also stars as Beverly, had previously appeared together with David Tennant in the Doctor Who episodes "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood".


Adult Learners' Week

Founded and co-ordinated by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), Adult Learners' Week in England is backed by thousands of supporters including the European Social Fund, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Next Step, BBC, Open University and Pearson PLC.

Andragogical learning theory

Beginning in the 1950s Malcolm Knowles developed a new theory - which he called "Andragogy" - in the context of adult learners.

Blackfoot language

Radio station KBWG in Browning, Montana, broadcasts a one hour show for Blackfoot language learners four times a week.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, a guideline to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages

Collaborative learning

Learning management system In this context, collaborative learning refers to a collection of tools which learners can use to assist, or be assisted by others.


In Grades 8 and 9, learners are exposed to Robotics (Lego NXT Robots) and Scratch Programming.

Education in South Africa

This decree was unpopular with learners and teachers alike, particularly in towns like the Johannesburg township of Soweto, where practically no-one spoke Afrikaans.

Henrietta Keddie

She also did educational work, such as Musical Composers and their Works (1875) and The Old Masters and their Pictures for the Use of Schools and Learners in Art (1880), and biographical compendia such as Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover (1898).

Honda CB350

In the UK at this time learners were limited to motorcycles of 250 cc, and the sleeved-down CB250 K4 was a popular sight on British roads, often in yellow.

Lake Academy

The school describes its student population as somewhat composed of "reluctant learners" who may also be dealing with substance abuse or chemical dependency, mental or emotional health issues, truancy, delinquency, attention or organization difficulties, and/or academic deficiencies.

Last Chance Learners

Last Chance Learners premiered on Wednesday 18 April 2007 at 7:30pm on Channel Seven and is hosted by former test cricketer and Who Dares Wins host Mike Whitney.

Leicester College

The vocational home of the College, Freemen’s Park has a professional Hair and Beauty salon, working kitchens which supply a bistro and silver service restaurant and Construction workshops where learners can train in plumbing, brickwork, woodwork, painting and decorating.

Monolingual learner's dictionary

Others, like Wordnik or Wiktionary, don't have that explicit focus, yet provide useful resources to learners due to their collaborative nature, which tends to produce definitions and sample sentences that are more diverse, and written in popular terms.


Functional Skills equip learners with essential, transferrable skills in Mathematics, English and ICT in order for them to develop when moving into the world of work.

Omar Hayat Mahal

A rare collection of thousands of books and subscription for seven dailies was introduced to learners and It was publicly opened the then Punjab Governor, Mian Muhammad Azhar.

Online tutoring

Online tutors also need to be aware of the stages learners usually employ in the online environment; these stages determine the kinds of scaffolding (help) that is appropriate for learners at each stage.

Pankaj Subeer

His research on Ghazal earned him the honorific Ghazal Guru in the community of new Ghazal learners.

Pauline Maier

Beyond traditional college offerings, Maier integrated participatory learning, political history and social history in a collaboration with online MUVE gaming project in a format that younger "digital divide" learners find engaging.

Pearson in Practice

Learners explore the full boundaries of computing, by looking at advanced server technology, internet knowledge, group policies and various other sections related to networks and computers.

Qajimuqan Mungaytpasuli

He died on August 12, 1948 in Lyeninskoe znamya kolkhoz (South Kazakhstan Province), without any disciples and learners and leaving his four wives in Turkestan.

Second-language attrition

Weltens (1989), who studied foreign language learners, identifies an increase in reading and listening comprehension.


Practical English Usage by Michael Swan (OUP), a reference book for intermediate and advanced learners of English, does not include whilst but has several sections covering the usage of while.


WIDA Consortium, a partnership of U.S. state departments of education that develops learning standards for English Language Learners

see also