
2 unusual facts about Left Coast

David Talbot

After graduating from the University of California at Santa Cruz, he returned to Los Angeles, where he wrote a history of the Hollywood Left, "Creative Differences", and freelanced for Crawdaddy, Rolling Stone, and other magazines.

Left Coast

For example, at the Order of British Columbia Investiture of painter Edward John Hughes, by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia Iona Campagnolo in April 2006, she stated, "We have all occasionally heard of our beloved coast dismissed as the 'wet coast', the 'left' coast, even the 'rain coast', yet for most of us, these are 'terms of endearment'..."

see also

Birch bark letter no. 292

It was found in 1957 by a Soviet expedition, led by Artemiy Artsikhovsky in the Nerevsky excavation on the left coast side of Novgorod.

Claude Baker

Other ensembles include the Cleveland Chamber Symphony, the Esprit Orchestra, the Voices of Change, the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, the Empyrean Ensemble and the Pacifica String Quartet (with pianist Ursula Oppens).