
5 unusual facts about Legend of Tirumala

Legend of Tirumala

In the Kali Yuga, rishis performing yagna sought the advise of celestial sage Narada on which of the Trimurti should be selected for offering the fruits of the yagna.

During Dvapara Yuga, Adisesha blocked Vayu from entering Vaikuntam as Lord Vishnu was in the company of His consort, Lakshmi.

To date, the various Tamil Grantha scripts are still seen inscribed upon the temple prakara walls.

Lord Vishnu reincarnated as Srinivasa (or presented himself after penance in the ant-hill) as the son of elderly woman-saint Vakula.

Another variant to the story is: Adisesha, fatigued by the contest was instructed by Lord Venkateswara to rest on Earth in a place that he chose for his stay in Kali Yuga.

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