
unusual facts about Leo XIII

Piotr Semenenko

He was an expert on Polish and Eastern matters and, because of his knowledge, he was held in high esteem by popes Gregory XVI, Pio IX and Leo XIII.

Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy

Many leaders of the church have been alumni of the academy, including Popes Clement XIII, Leo XII, Leo XIII, Benedict XV, and Paul VI.

see also


Ab Apostolici was a papal encyclical promulgated by Leo XIII on 15 October 1890.

Carlos Duarte Costa

He openly criticized certain papal periodicals and encyclicals, including Rerum Novarum (Leo XIII), Quadragesimo Anno (Pius XI), and Divini Redemptoris (Pius XI).

Mirae Caritatis

Leo XIII's encyclical has been subsequently cited by Popes Pius XII and Paul VI in their own teaching documents, respectively Mediator Dei and Mysterium fidei.

Papal conclave, 1922

His social encyclical, Quadragesimo Anno {Forty Years After), continuing the ground-breaking social policies of Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, demanded the end of social inequalities while providing bases for fair working conditions and a just living wage for employees.

Pope Leo XIII and Russia

Relations improved further, when Pope Leo XIII, due to Italian considerations, distanced the Vatican from the Rome- Vienna, Berlin alliance and helped to facilitate a rapprochement between Paris and St. Petersburg.