
4 unusual facts about Leopold Bloom

Edmund Falconer

Indeed, it was a favourite of Leopold Bloom, the hero of James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) In the novel, Bloom thinks quite a lot about the opera, and it features as one of the motifs of the Sirens episode (Chapter 11).

Irish National Invincibles

In Episode Seven of James Joyce's Ulysses, Leopold Bloom and other characters discuss the murders in the offices of the Freeman newspaper.

Jenny Lind Soup

Leopold Bloom, a character in James Joyce's Ulysses, fantasizes about it while lunching in the Ormond: "Jenny Lind soup: stock, sage, raw eggs, half-pint of cream. For creamy dreamy."

Johannes Jeep

In Ulysses (Episode 16, "Eumaeus", 663:14-22), Joyce's autobiographical character, Stephen Dedalus, performs Jeep's spirited song "Von der Sirenen Listigkeit" ("Of the Siren's Cunning") for Leopold Bloom, and the two men bond over its misogyny.

Alfred Bunn

In James Joyce's Ulysses, the main character Leopold Bloom thinks briefly (and incompletely) of a lyric Bunn wrote: "Whose smile upon each feature plays with such and such replete”. The original lyric, from the William Vincent Wallace opera Maritana, is: “Whose smile upon each feature plays with truthfulness replete".

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