The species was originally named Hygrophorus virescens by American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in their 1963 monograph of North American Hygrophorus species.
In their 1963 monograph of the Hygrophorus of North America, American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith classified H. agathosmus in the subsection Camarophylli, a grouping of related species characterized by a dry stem, and the absence of a gelatinous outer veil.
The species was first described officially by American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in their 1963 monograph on North American Hygrophorus species.
The species was first described by American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in their 1979 monograph on the North American species of Lactarius.
The species was originally described by American mycologists Alexander H. Smith and Lexemuel Ray Hesler in a 1962 publication.
Described as a new species in 1962 by American mycologists Alexander H. Smith and Lexemuel Ray Hesler, the mushroom is found in North America.
Hesler and Smith in their 1960 study of North American species of Lactarius defined L. indigo as the type species of subsection Caerulei, a group characterized by blue latex and a sticky, blue cap.
incanus was described by Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in their 1979 North American species of Lactarius.
According to the classification proposed by Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in their 1979 monograph of North American Lactarius species, L. repraesentaneus belongs in the stirps Speciosus of the section Aspideini, of the subgenus Piperites of genus Lactarius.
The surface characteristics of many species in section Thejogali (as defined by Hesler and Smith in 1979) are called rimulose-areolate (irregularly cracked, with the cracks crossing one another) based on a surface with "numerous mounds of inflated cells" paired together with crevices.
The species was first described by American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith in 1960, based on specimens collected in Muskegon, Michigan in 1936.
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