
unusual facts about Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America

Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America

Liberation is a science fiction novel by Brian Francis Slattery about a post-economic collapse America, where a combination of capitalist and criminal forces reshape the United States into a grouping of Balkanized microgovernments and lawless slave plantations.


French corvette Aconit, a corvette of the Second World War, from the Free French naval forces, recipient of the Ordre de la Libération

Albanian resistance during World War II

In May they called a congress of members of the National Liberation Front (NLF), as the movement was by then called) at Përmet, which chose an Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation to act as Albania's administration and legislature.

Altaf Mahmud

On July 18, 2013 Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed was found guilty and received life sentence on the charge related to the killing of Rumi along with Badi, Jewel, Azad and Altaf Mahmud at the army camp set up in Nakhalpara, Dhaka, during the Liberation War.

Automated mineralogy

Commercially available lab-based solutions include QEMSCAN and Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA) from FEI Company, Mineralogic Mining and the RoqSCAN from Zeiss, INCAMineral from Oxford Instruments and the TIMA (Tescan integrated mineral analyzer) from TESCAN.

Belarusian Great Patriotic War Museum

The museum first opened shortly after the liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders, on 25 October 1944, making it the first World War II museum to open during the course of the war.

Black liberation theology

Black liberation theology seeks to liberate people of color from multiple forms of political, social, economic, and religious subjugation and views Christian theology as a theology of liberation—"a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the Gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes James Hal Cone, one of the original advocates of the perspective.

Canton of Marseille-Les Cinq-Avenues

It is composed of the part of the 1st arrondissement of Marseille situated east of an imaginary line defined by following boulevard Maurice-Bourdet (from the 3rd arrondissement of Marseille), place des Marseillaises, boulevard d'Athènes, allée Léon-Gambetta, boulevard de la Libération-Général-de-Monsabert (until the 4th arrondissement of Marseille).

Cecily Lefort

She is recorded on the Runnymede Memorial in Surrey, England; and, as one of the SOE agents who died for the liberation of France, she is listed on the "Roll of Honor" on the Valençay SOE Memorial in Valençay, in the Indre departément of France.

Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia

The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (in Russian: Комитет Освобождения Народов России, abbreviated as КОНР, KONR) was a committee composed of military and civilian anticommunists from territories of the Soviet Union (most being Russians).

Daniel Viotto

He joined CNN in 1997, and since covered many events such as the Kosovo War, the liberation of Augusto Pinochet in London, and the return of Cuban boy Elián González to his country.

Drobytsky Yar

Excursions to the ravine had already been held before, but the official opening was on January 27, the anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp's 1945 liberation (later designated International Holocaust Remembrance Day).

France–Israel relations

After France's liberation by allied forces, David Ben-Gurion was confident that Charles de Gaulle would assist him in the founding of a Jewish state.

Frank Pickersgill

Posthumously, the government of France awarded him the Legion of Honor, and as one of the SOE agents who died for the liberation of France, he is listed on the "Roll of Honour" on the Valençay SOE Memorial in the town of Valençay in the Indre département.

Governmental theory of atonement

The satisfaction view argues that Christ made satisfaction to the Father for the sins of humanity by His sacrifice on the Cross, penal substitution theory argues that Jesus received the full and actual punishment due to men and women, while the Christus Victor view emphasises the liberation of humanity from the bondage of sin, death, and the Devil.

Hernando Calvo Ospina

As a journalist he has also interviewed several Colombian Guerrilla leaders such as Raul Reyes (†) from FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombian) and Manuel Perez Martinez (†) head of ELN (National Liberation Army).

Hymie Barsel

Hymie became progressively more involved in the Youth Liberation Movement and began working as an organizer and then Secretary of the Friends of the Soviet Union (FSU).

Ilinden Peak

The feature is "named after the settlement of Ilinden in Southwestern Bulgaria, in connection with the 1903 Bulgarian uprising of Ilinden-Preobrazhenie for the liberation of Macedonia and Odrin (Adrianople) Thrace".

Janet Mondlane

Janet Mondlane and her husband, Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane were the founders of Frelimo and helped organize the liberation of Mozambique from the Portuguese colonialists.

John L. Pierce

For his service during World War II, general Pierce was awarded with Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster by the government of the United States and with Order of the White Lion and with War Cross by the government of the Czechoslovakia for his merits during liberation of Western Bohemia.

John Ondawame

John Otto Ondawame (born November 30, 1953 in Wanamum, Mimika Regency in West Papua) is an academic and activist of the West Papua liberation movement.


Libération was founded by Jean-Paul Sartre, Philippe Gavi, Bernard Lallement, Jean-Claude Vernier, Pierre Victor alias Benny Lévy and Serge July and has been published from 3 February 1973, in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968.


Libération-Nord was one of the principal resistance movements in the northern occupied zone of France during the Second World War.

Louis Noguères

Forewarned by the resistance, he escaped and joined the Maquis in Aveyron where he contributed to resistance journals such as Le Populaire, Libération and Vaincre.

Maati Kabbal

He is a frequent contributor to French and Moroccan television programs and newspapers like Libération and Le Monde dipomatique.

Maquis de Vabre

The Jewish scouting organisation Éclaireurs israëlites de France, created by Robert Gamzon, joined the Protestant scouting organisation Éclaireurs unionistes to form this mountain maquis who participated in the liberation of Castres under the banner of the French forces of the interior, taking 4,500 German prisoners.

Medar Shtylla

Medar Shtylla (February 28, 1907 in Korça – December 20, 1963 in Tirana) was an Albanian politician and one of the main organizators of the Albania Liberation Movement during World War II.

Meyazia 27 Square

In its center is the eponymous monument, commemorating Ethiopia's liberation from Fascist Italy.

Michael Pucci

His Decorations include 3 Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals (NMCM), 3 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals (NCAM), 6 Good Conduct Medal (GCM), National Defense Service Medal (NDSM), Southwest Asia Service Medal (SWA) with three stars for service in three campaigns (Defense of Saudi Arabia, Liberation and Defense of Kuwait, Southwest Asia Cease-Fire), Kuwait Liberation Medal (KLM — Saudi Arabia), Kuwait Liberation Medal (KLM — Emirate of Kuwait).

Mladen Stojanović

On 29 or 30 December 1941, Stojanović arrived in the area of Grmeč in western Bosanska Krajina, which was in the zone of responsibility of the 1st Krajina National Liberation Partisan Detachment.


It is known as the place of birth of Charles-Louis Largeteau (who contributed to the establishment of the Greenwich Meridian), Georges Clemenceau (head of the French Government during World War I and who signed the Treaty of Versailles with Lloyd George, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando and Woodrow Wilson) and Marshal Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (who participated in the liberation of France with the Allied forces in 1945).

Museum of the National Struggle for Liberation

The Museum of the National Struggle for Liberation is a museum located in Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

National Council of the Resistance

Some of these proposed measures were applied, at least to a certain extent, after liberation, including the nationalisation of energy (Électricité de France was founded in 1946), insurance companies (AGF in 1945) and banks (Crédit Lyonnais in 1945, Société Générale in 1946), the creation of social security programs and the independence of trade unions.


The village contains a monument representing Ivan Vazov's character 'Grandfather Yotso', a symbol of liberation from the Ottoman Empire and the progress of independent Bulgaria.

Oi Thalassies oi Hadres

It also demonstrates the liberation of women, as part of the feministic ideology that arrives in Greece, as the main female character of the movie is a young woman from the upper class, who forms her own cohort along with her female friends and brings new mores in an old-fashioned local society.

Order of Katonga

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni decorated the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi on 6 April 2004 in Tripoli, honouring him for his contribution to the National Resistance Army (NRA) bush struggle that liberated Uganda from dictatorship, adding that Colonel Gaddaffi has always been at the forefront of the liberation of Africa and unification of the continent.

Otto Miskolczy

After the capitulation of Italy and the liberation of the camp, Miskolczy joined the Partisans.

Patrick Gordon Walker

He broadcast about the liberation of the German concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen, and wrote a book on the subject called "The Lid Lifts".

Pyongyang FC

Pyongyang FC was the highest ranked club in Pyongyang during the latter stages of Japanese colonial rule up to 1945 and the club still existed after the Soviet liberation.

Ruggero Bonghi

At Turin he resumed his philosophic studies and his translation of Plato, but In 1858 refused a professorship of Greek at Pavia, under the Austrian government, only to accept it in 1859 from the Italian government after the liberation of Lombardy.

Saddeka Arebi

She believes "that the problem is not male dominance, but rather female submission." Raja'a Alem, a pioneering playwright, thinks literature’s primary function is "liberation of the individual."

Star Wars: Empire at War

The campaign explores how the X-Wing is pressed into the service of the Rebel Alliance, the liberation of Kashyyyk, the first whisperings of a brand new Imperial superweapon and ultimately the Battle of Yavin.

Stepan Degtyarev

His oratorio Minin and Pozharsky - or the Liberation of Moscow (1811) concerned the 1612 liberation of Moscow from Polish occupation during the Time of Troubles interregnum by the Second Zemschina Army led by Kuzma Minin-Sukhoruk, a fishmonger, and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

Sylvia Pankhurst

After the post-war liberation of Ethiopia, she became a strong supporter of union between Ethiopia and the former Italian Somaliland, and MI5's file continued to follow her activities.

Taiwan–United States relations

and the first ever Direct Election of the Presidency of Republic of China in 1996 and President Lee Teng-hui's 1995 visit to Cornell University of the United States that incurred the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis and the US intervention by deploying two aircraft carrier battlegroups near Taiwan Strait amid missile tests by People's Liberation Army in the nearby coastal provinces of People's Republic of China.

Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury

In 1971, as the Sub-Divisional Officer of Meherpur, Kushtia, he joined the liberation war and was commissioned in the Bangladesh Armed Forces.

Type 64 pistol

Ever since the expulsion of the Kuomintang government, concluding the Chinese Civil War, the People's Liberation Army relied heavily upon support from the Soviet Union for supplies and weaponry.

Umbra poets

On Guard was active in a famous protest at the United Nations of the American-sponsored Bay of Pigs Cuban invasion and was active in support of the Congolese liberation leader Patrice Lumumba.

Vasile Atanasiu

In this capacity he led the Corps in the military actions for the liberation of Bessarabia in the battle for the beachhead of Albiţa on the Prut River, and then in the advance to the Dniester at Tiraspol.

Veer Singh Dillon

The son of Devinder Singh was a war hero in the 1971 Indo-Pakistani conflict and has even won honours for the same, while his grandson is still actively serving in the Army of the republic of India and also played a role in the liberation of Freetown in West Africa on Behalf of the United Nations' forces.

Vejaynand Ramlakan

A medical doctor, he served in Umkhonto weSizwe (MK), the military wing of the African National Congress, during the liberation struggle against the South African government in the 1980s, and transferred to the South African National Defence Force when MK was incorporated into it in 1994.

see also