
unusual facts about Lichen

Allen C. Skorepa

He conducted environmental impact studies for the Tennessee Valley Authority and was involved in studying the impact of air pollution on lichens.

Allt Pontfaen - Coed Gelli-fawr

The site is described by Natural Resources Wales as containing: "Six contiguous ancient semi-natural woodlands situated on the steep slopes of the south side of the Gwaun Valley sub-glacial meltwater channel. The rich epiphytic lichen flora is of national importance, featuring many old forest species. Several notable woodland plants and invertebrates occur. Dormice are also present."

Blotting paper

Small squares of blotting paper attached to disposable plastic strips are impregnated with pH sensitive compounds usually extracted from lichens, especially Roccella tinctoria.

Brown Bluff

Lichens in the genera Xanthoria and Caloplaca have been recorded on exposed boulders from the shoreline to an elevation of 185 m.

C. marina

Caloplaca marina, the orange sea lichen, a crustose placodioid lichen species

Carn Ingli

The area also includes several scarce plants, including lichens, and a rare damselfly, Coenagrion mercuriale.

Coedmor National Nature Reserve

Nearly 200 species of lichens have been recorded as being present in the woodland and 31 species of butterflies have been recorded from the reserve or the area around it.

Flora Danica

The original plan was to cover all plants, including bryophytes, lichens and fungi native to crown lands of the Danish king, that is Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Oldenburg-Delmenhorst and Norway with its North Atlantic dependencies Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland.


Gateposts give an additional element of character to the countryside and conurbations, significantly they also play host a habitat for many lichen, moss and liverwort species.

Henties Bay

Specifically in danger are the lichen fields which take decades to recover from tracks cut through them, and the Damara Tern which is endemic to the Skeleton Coast and threatened by habitat loss.

Hermann Emil Fischer

In addition to his work in the fields already mentioned, Fischer also studied the enzymes and the chemical substances in the lichens which he found during his frequent holidays in the Black Forest, and also substances used in tanning and, during the final years of his life, the fats.

Jardin botanique de la Villa Thuret

The garden was created in 1857 by Gustave Thuret (1817-1875), a botanist best known for studies of reproduction in algae, who used it to conduct plant acclimatization trials with friend and lichen expert Jean-Baptiste Édouard Bornet (1828-1911).


Mayer used the name Kishinouyea as a replacement name of Schizodiscus Kishinouye, 1902, for homonymy, as the name is already used to describe a lichen genus.

Lichen planus

Esophageal lichen planus, affecting the esophageal mucosa.

Licheń Stary

Licheń Stary is the site of Poland's largest church, Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, completed in 2004, which houses icon of the Virgin Mary called Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland.

Lobaria oregana

Lobaria oregana, also known as lettuce lichen and as Oregon lungwort, is a species of foliose lichen occurring in North American old-growth forests, such as the Hoh Rainforest in Washington State.

Los Alcornocales Natural Park

Forests and smaller wooded areas within the park are comprised mainly by cork oaks (Quercus suber), Portuguese oaks (Quercus faginea), Pyrenean oaks (Quercus pyrenaica), olive trees (Olea europaea), alders (Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana incana), holly trees (Ilex aquifolium), bay laurels (Laurus nobilis), rhododendrons (Rhododendron ponticum), ferns, mosses, and lichens.

Narębski Point

It is geologically complex and rich in flora and fauna, with an extensive cover of mosses and lichens There are large colonies of Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins.


In some species the cyanobacteria is the sole photobiont, while other species also contain a green alga photobiont (Coccomyxa) and the cyanobacteria is restricted to warty cephalodia on the upper or lower surface of the lichen.

Neukom Vivarium

According to the Seattle Art Museum, which operates the park, the tree "inhabits an art system" consisting of bacteria, fungi, insects, lichen and plants.

Field guides are present in the form of blue and white tiles, depicting bacteria, fungi, insects, lichen and plants that may be found on the log.

New Guinea Highlands

The alpine habitat above 4,000 metres consists of compact rosette and cushion herbs, such as Ranunculus, Potentilla, Gentiana, and Epilobium, grasses (Poa and Deschampsia), bryophytes, and lichens.

Patthar Ke Phool

For the aromatic lichen used in Chettinad cuisine, see Kalpasi


In some species of Pseudocyphellaria the cyanobacterium is the sole photobiont, while other species also contain the green alga Dictyochloropsis and restrict the cyanobacterium to warty cephalodia on the lower surface of the lichen.

Ramalina siliquosa

Ramalina siliquosa, also known as sea ivory, is a tufted and branched lichen which is widely found on siliceous rocks and stone walls on coastlands round the British Isles, occasionally slightly inland.

São Jorge Island

After a period of small subsistence agriculture, the local economy began to concentrate on a few chief exports: initially, lichen (Roccella tinctoria) and woad (Isatis tinctoria), later the introduction of wheat and corn crops.


Lichens, Lobaria pulmonaria, may have potential for reducing the number of prions because some species contain proteases that show promise in breaking down the prion.

Svinøy Lighthouse

Wind and salt spray limit the natural vegetation to lichen (Xanthoria parietina and Ramalina cuspidata) and grasses (Armeria maritima and more).


Significantly, it has a high diversity of non-vascular plants (mosses, liverworts and lichens) including at least

Usnea Plug

The feature’s name derives from the genus of lichen, Usnea, prevalent on the plug and in this vicinity, and results from geological work by an American field party in early 1969.

Usnea rubicunda

Usnea rubicunda (Red beard lichen), is a type of arboreal lichen native to temperate regions in North, Central and South America, as well as Europe, Eastern Asia, and North Africa.

Vezdaea schuyleriana

Vezdaea schuyleriana is a lichen that is only known to exist on a single boulder near Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.


Henry Nicollon des Abbayes (1898-1974), professor of botany who was an authority on lichens, and also undertook a noted study of the flora of Brittany, was born in Vihiers.

William Weymouth

Jatta named a species of lichen in honour of Weymouth called Ochrolechia weymouthii, and Brotherus named the moss genus Weymouthia.

X. elegans

Xanthoria elegans, the elegant sunburst lichen, a lichenized fungus species

see also