
unusual facts about Line 9, Tianjin Metro

Transport in Tianjin

The other line, Line 9, started construction in 2001 and opened in 2004, with recent extensions in 2011.

Autódromo José Carlos Pace

On October 17, 2007, Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) began to operate the new station of the Line C (currently called Line 9), Autódromo, near the circuit.

Beijing Subway rolling stock

Currently, all trains on Lines 2, 5, 8, 10, 13, Airport Express and older models on Line 1 are made by Changchun RVC, which is under contract to supply trains for Lines Yizhuang, 9 and 10 (Phase II).

Gary McHale

During the Enbridge Line 9 protests and occupation in Hamilton, McHale and CANACE claimed to have played an important role in disrupting the protest through lobbying the Hamilton Police Service.

Shenzhen Metro

The system opened on 28 December 2004, making Shenzhen the sixth city in mainland China to have a subway after Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Wuhan.

see also