With help from the Lions Club and the federal government, a new community was constructed on the northeast coast of Kodiak Island, called Port Lions in honor of the Lions Club who helped relocate the village.
Trentoniana has also become the designated repository for the archival collections of many local organizations, including the Trenton Lions, the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the Trenton Historical Society, the Mill Hill Society, Trenton Rotary, and the Jewish Historical Society of the Greater Trenton Area.
It also has a number of active groups and societies including a Lions club.
ATP International Series | International Monetary Fund | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | ATP International Series Gold | International Space Station | Amnesty International | International Olympic Committee | Detroit Lions | BirdLife International | International Finance Corporation | International Organization for Standardization | International Telecommunication Union | International Criminal Court | One Day International | International Nonproprietary Name | International Labour Organization | International Civil Aviation Organization | International Boxing Federation | Toronto International Film Festival | International Atomic Energy Agency | International Maritime Organization | International Development Association | John F. Kennedy International Airport | Los Angeles International Airport | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | International Court of Justice | British and Irish Lions | International Fund for Agricultural Development | Rotary International | Marriott International |
The track was named after its sponsors Lions Clubs International and featured many races that were sanctioned by the American Hot Rod Association (AHRA).
Additionally, the Lions Eye Bank, which is a regional centre for recovery of donated eye tissue for corneal transplants, is located at RGH.