
unusual facts about Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2|Lp-PLA2Lp-PLA2 mass level was noted.


In liver dysfunction, apolipoprotein A-II deficient lipoprotein accumulates in plasma causing increased cholesterol in RBCs.

Anshan Teng'ao Airport

The airport also serves as the Anshan Air Base, a People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLA-AF) installation in the PLA's Shenyang Military Region.


Apolipoprotein, a lipid-binding protein that is a constituent of the plasma lipoprotein.

Bayi Rockets

The "Bayi" in their name represents the anniversary of the founding of the PLA.

Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation Limited

In February 1970, Premier Zhou Enlai handed management of the subway to the People's Liberation Army, which formed the PLA Rail Engineering Corp Beijing Subway Management Bureau.

Calheta de Nesquim

José Dias de Melo (8 April 1925 - São José; 24 September 2008), author, noted for many of his writings on whaling, emigration and Azorean life, that included "Toadas do Mar e da Terra", "Pedras Negras", "Mar Rubro" and "Mar Pla Proa".

Cherd Songsri

Another film was the comedy, Poh-pla-lai, starring Sombat Metanee.

Chryshantha De Silva

He has undertaken training at PLA Nanjing Army Command College; Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and at the Army War College, Mhow.


LRP5 (low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5) acts as a co-receptor for the Wnt-family of glycoproteins which regulate bone mass.

Dadan Island

However, due to the August 23 ("823") Artillery barrage by the PLA, all that is left are their respective foundations.


A 17% increase of Frank Bassen

In partnership with Abraham Kornzweig, Bassen identified Bassen-Kornzweig disease, a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which the body fails to produce chylomicrons, a low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL).

Fuqing-class replenishment ship

The Fuqing-class were the 1st generation of replenishment ships built by the PLA Navy for support of Yuanwang tracking of ICBM missile tests in the South Pacific Ocean.

Gerard Quintana

He has worked with many significant figures in Catalan music, including the guitarist Francesc Bertran, Quimi Portet, Albert Pla, Pep Sala and the group Gossos.

Gonggar County

In recent history of the county, during the Cultural Revolution of the 1950s, Gonggar County was the scene of armed rebellion between the Kamba rebels (under the banner of “four rivers and six mountain ranges”) and the Peoples Liberation Army of China (PLA); PLA troops were killed and their convoy of army vehicles ambushed here.


A third, morphologically identical species, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, infects domestic and wild animals but does not cause disease in humans because it is lysed by apolipoproetin L1 in the high-density lipoprotein fraction of human serum.

Josefina Pla

Josefina Pla was born in Isla de Lobos, Canarias, the daughter of Leopoldo Plá and Rafaela Guerra Galvani.

Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase

Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT, also called phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase) is an enzyme that converts free cholesterol into cholesteryl ester (a more hydrophobic form of cholesterol), which is then sequestered into the core of a lipoprotein particle, eventually making the newly synthesized HDL spherical and forcing the reaction to become unidirectional since the particles are removed from the surface.


Binding of LDL to its target tissue occurs through an interaction between the LDL receptor and apolipoprotein B-100 on the LDL particle.

Miguel de Unamuno

On 12 October 1936 the celebration of Columbus Day had brought together a politically diverse crowd at the University of Salamanca, including Enrique Pla y Deniel, the Archbishop of Salamanca, and Carmen Polo Martínez-Valdés, the wife of Franco, Falangist General José Millán Astray and Unamuno himself.

Paramilitary forces of China

The Gang of Four attempted to build up the urban militia as an alternative to the PLA, but the urban militia failed to support the Gang of Four in 1976, when Hua Guofeng and moderate military leaders deposed them.

Pedro Casaldáliga

Pere Casaldàliga i Pla, more known in Brazil as Pedro Casaldáliga (born 1928) is a Spanish-born emeritus Brazilian Bishop of São Félix do Araguaia (Brazil) .

People's Liberation Army Air Force

The PLA's first organized air unit, the Nanyuan Flying Group, was formed only in the summer of 1949 from about 40 ex-Nationalist aircraft; its task was to defend Beijing, the nation's new capital.

People's Liberation Army General Political Department

The Department also oversees the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, Liberation Army Daily (JieFangJun RiBao), the PLA Literature and Art Press (Kunlun Press), PLA Pictorial, and PLA Press.


The UAV Technology Center (Wu-Ren-Ji Ji-Shu Zhong-Xin, 无人机技术中心) of the People's Liberation Army Air Defense Academy (PLAADA) of People's Liberation Army General Staff Department (PLAGSD) has developed several UAVs/drones for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), mostly for training of the air defense crew.

Platelet-activating factor

The enzymes within this family are lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, cytoplasmic platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2, and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b.

Police Line Area, Hisar

Police Line Area, also known as PLA is a residential and commercial suburb located in Hisar city of Haryana, India.

Port of London Authority

The PLA originally had its headquarters on Tower Hill in the City of London, but today has its headquarters at London River House and Royal Terrace Pier in Gravesend.

Qi Benyu

From 1967 on Qi, together with Wang Li, Guan Feng and other members of the Cultural Revolution Group, started to accelerate Mao's plans for implementing the Cultural Revolution in the Army too, and where calling for the peoples to find out the "few Capitalist Roaders" within the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA).

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung

According to official statistics from departments associated with the PLA General Political Department, from 1964 to 1976, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung was published in 4 Chinese editions, 8 Chinese minority languages in 8 versions, one Braille edition, 37 foreign language version and a bilingual Chinese-English version (total 38 foreign versions), with a total printing of 1,055,498,000 copies.


SHKW-200 is a drone jointly developed by SKAT and PLA Shenyang Military Region, and it has since entered PLA service.

Sri Lankan Tamil militant groups

Important achievement of the PLA was the 1984 kidnapping of American couple Stanley and Mary Allen from Columbus, Ohio, in Jaffna.Another minor but notable group was Tamil Eelam Army (TEA) of Panagoda Maheswaran involved in the attack against an Air Lanka flight in Madras, India.

Stephen M. Sweeney

Sweeney sponsored a 2002 law allowing municipalities and other public entities beginning a construction project to enter into a Project Labor Agreement (PLA), an agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of employment and prohibits the use of strikes and lockouts, which can save money by reducing cost overruns and work stoppages, and contribute to decreased labor unrest.

Steven Nissen

The lipoprotein enhanced the ability of HDL, or “good” cholesterol to usher fat out of the arteries and into the liver for excretion leading to the purchase of Esperion Therapeutics, the tiny company that had produced recombinant Apo-A1 Milano, by Pfizer for $1.3 billion.

Type 07

During 2007-2008, the new uniforms will replace the Type 87 Service Uniforms currently in use by regular units and the Type 97 Service Dress Service Uniforms currently in use by PLA garrison troops in People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison and People's Liberation Army Macau Garrison.

Wen Wei Po

On 21 May 1989, as concerns in Hong Kong about the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests were reaching fever pitch, the paper took a principled position opposing the enforcement of martial law by the PLA amid pro-democracy protests by students and political activists.

see also