
unusual facts about Liquorice



! is an American band formed in the summer of 1995 by the merger of part of the group Black Liquorice and Popesmashers.


Haribo is one of the biggest manufacturers of gummy and jelly sweets in the world, with its products mainly consisting of gummy bears, other jelly sweets and liquorice.

Hills Like White Elephants

While waiting for the train to Madrid, the American and the girl with him drink beer and a liquor called Anís del Toro, which the girl compares to liquorice.


Iberogast is a mixture of extracts from bitter candytuft (Iberis amara), angelica root (Angelicae radix), milk thistle fruit (Silybi mariani fructus), celandine herb (Chelidonii herba), caraway fruit (Carvi fructus), liquorice root (Liquiritiae radix), peppermint herb (Menthae piperitae folium), balm leaf (Melissae folium) and chamomile flower (Matricariae flos).

Indian tea culture

Traditional Indian kitchens have long utilised the medicinal benefits offered by various plants and spices such as basil (Tulsi), cardamom (Elaichi), pepper (Kali Mirch), liquorice (Mulethi), mint (Pudina), etc., and traditionally, tisanes made with these plant leaves and/or spices have been in use for centuries for maladies ranging from the serious to the trifling.

Mount Bozgush

Tulips are cultivated on the rich volcanic soil of Mount Bozgush, and medicinal herbs such as pennyroyal, thyme, borage, nettle and liquorice grow wild on the mountain's slopes.

Pontefract cake

Pontefract cakes (also known as Pomfret cakes and Pomfrey cakes) are a type of small, roughly circular black sweet measuring approximately 2 cm in diameter and 4 mm thick, made of liquorice, originally manufactured in the Yorkshire town of Pontefract, England.


A classic London dry style gin, it uses 10 botanicals in its maceration: Juniper berries, Coriander Seed, Angelica Root, Liquorice Root, Orris Root, Ground Almond, Cassia Bark, Cinnamon, Orange Peel and Lemon Peel.

The Paramounts

Mundy committed suicide in 1972, but left his possessions to Trower, including a painting of an album cover for an imaginary album by 'Liquorice John Death', which Mundy had called Ain't Nothin' to Get Excited About.

see also