
unusual facts about Liudolf, Duke of Swabia

Adalbert of Italy

In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona.

Albert I of Germany

He was on the way to suppress a revolt in Swabia when he was murdered on 1 May 1308, at Windisch on the Reuss River, by his nephew Duke John, afterwards called "the Parricide" or "John Parricida", whom he had deprived of his inheritance.

Burchard III, Duke of Swabia

After the rebellion of Duke Liudolf, son of King Otto I, in 954, the king bestowed the ducal title on his nephew-in-law Burchard at a general council at Arnstadt.

Conrad I of Germany

Upon the death of King Louis the Child, Conrad was elected King of the East Frankish kingdom on 10 November 911 at Forchheim by the rulers of Saxony, Swabia (Alamannia) and Bavaria.

Hermann Billung

In 953 both joined the countrywide rebellion started by King Otto's younger brother Duke Liudolf of Swabia, which only collapsed due to the massive invasion of Hungarian forces.

see also