
unusual facts about Liutprand, King of the Lombards


Charles Martel of the Franks, with the assistance of Liutprand of the Lombards, invaded Burgundy and Provence and expelled the raiders by 739.


Alahis (or Alagis) was the Arian duke of Trent and Brescia before becoming king of the Lombards after his successful rebellion in 688.

Anselm, Duke of Friuli

left the world at the height of his secular career, and in 750 built a monastery at Fanano, a place given to him by Aistulf, King of the Lombards, who had married Anselm's sister Gisaltruda.

Donation of Sutri

The Donation of Sutri was an agreement reached at Sutri by Liutprand, King of the Lombards and Pope Gregory II in 728.

Epiphania of Pavia

Epiphania, Epifania or Pyphania (d. 800) is recorded in the late medieval traditions of Pavia as daughter of Ratchis (744/749 – 756/757), King of the Lombards and of Italy.

Guy, Margrave of Tuscany

In order to counter the influence of Pope John X (whom the hostile chronicler Liutprand of Cremona alleges was one of Marozia lovers), Marozia subsequently married his opponent Guy of Tuscany, who loved his beautiful wife as much as he loved power.

Hugh of Italy

A young page educated at Hugh's court at the traditional Lombard capital, Pavia, grew up to be Liutprand, Bishop of Cremona, the liveliest chronicler of the 10th century; his loyalty to the memory of Hugh may have helped fuel some of his partisan bitterness in chronicling Hugh's heirs.

Liutprand, King of the Lombards

The pope, Gregory II, ordered the people to resist and the Byzantine duke of Naples, Exhiliratus, was killed by a mob while trying to carry out the imperial command to destroy all the icons.

Having just overwhelmed the Byzantine forces, though it was left to his heirs to make the final vestige of the Exarchate of Ravenna Lombard at last, Liutprand advanced towards Rome along the Via Cassia; he was met at the ancient city of Sutri by Pope Gregory II (728).

In the spring of 712, Theodo’s son Theodebert, with Ansprand and Liutprand, attacked Lombard strongholds, and with the drowning of their fleeing rival Aripert, Ansprand's faction were back in power at Pavia.

Lombard architecture

This trend, characterized anyway by the co-presence of different influences and the adoption of new techniques, culminated in the reign of king Liutprand (712-744), in particular at Cividale del Friuli.

Nikephoros II Phokas

Whereas Bishop Liutprand describes the emperor's hair as being bristly, Leo The Deacon says it was black with "tight curls" and "unusually long".

Santa Sofia, Benevento

The edifice was modeled on the Palatine Chapel of the Lombard king Liutprand in Pavia and, after the defeat of Desiderius by Charlemagne and the fall of the Lombard kingdom in northern Italy (774), it became the national church of the Lombards who had taken shelter in the Duchy of Benevento.


The town is known from 712, when it was mentioned in a document by the Lombard king Liutprand.

Ubayd Allah ibn al-Habhab

But the expeditionary force was expelled from Provence in 737–38 in a joint operation by Charles Martel of the Franks and Liutprand of the Lombards.

Zumelle Castle

During the early Middle Ages the castle was the location of a feudal struggle, started in 737 when the Lombard king Liutprand appointed Valentino, bishop of Ceneda, as lord of Zumelle.

see also