
unusual facts about Lord Grey

Lord Grey

Thomas Grey, Lord Grey of Groby (c. 1623–1657) was MP for Leicester during the English Long Parliament, supported the Parliamentary cause in the Civil War and was a regicide

Henry Bagenal

He was involved in some military disasters, such as a defeat at Glenmalure on 25 August 1580 when Lord Grey led the troops (with Bagenal one of the commanders of the rear) into battle with Fiach McHugh O'Byrne and Viscount Baltinglass in the Wicklow mountain passes.

Patrick Sarsfield

In his early years he is known to have challenged Lord Grey for a supposed reflection on the veracity of the Irish people (September 1681), and in the December of that year he was run through the body in a duel in which he engaged as second.


This led to the creation of a government with Lord Grey as Prime Minister and the leading Canningites like Lord Palmerston and Lord Melbourne.

see also