The only exception of this is the tokusatsu series Power Rangers, because in an adaptation of the fighting scenes of the Japanese series of the same genre; Super Sentai, but with different history and exclusive characters of the American version, such as Zordon and Lord Zedd of the first series, converting to a different franchise series and therefore is not considered a dub localization.
Lord Zedd appeared as a boss in the 15th anniversary video game for the Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2 and PC, this marks the first time Zedd has been featured in a game since Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition.
Lord Zedd, a fictional character in the Power Rangers television series
The Lord of the Rings | Lord Byron | Lord Chancellor | Lord | Lord Mayor of London | Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales | Alfred, Lord Tennyson | Lord Kitchener | Lord Chamberlain | Lord President of the Council | Lord Lieutenant of Ireland | Lord Chancellor of Ireland | Lord & Taylor | Lord Mayor | Lord Deputy of Ireland | Lord of the Manor | Lord's Resistance Army | Lord's Prayer | Lord Peter Wimsey | Lord's Cricket Ground | Lord Nelson | Lord's | Lord Privy Seal | Lord Mayor of Dublin | Lord Howe Island | Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron | Lord Justice of Appeal | Lord Alfred Douglas | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Lord President of the Court of Session |
However, during the final confrontation in "Countdown to Destruction, Part 2", when Zordon sacrificed his own life (at the hands of the Red Space Ranger Andros), Rita was transformed into a normal human, along with Lord Zedd, who had also been transformed into a normal human being.