In 2013, residents of Nauta, Loreto Province, Peru created a children's rap video in the Kukama-Kukamiria dialect, in collaboration with Radio Ucamara.
Dinoponera gigantea has been found on the coast of Guyana, in the Brazilian states of Amazonas, Pará including Marajo Island, Mato Grosso and Maranhão as well as the Loreto Province in Peru.
province | Buenos Aires Province | Transvaal Province | Katanga Province | Cape Province | Western Province | New Ireland Province | Kars Province | Pichincha Province | Santa Fe Province | Dewa Province | Entre Ríos Province | Roman province | Rhine Province | Natal Province | Loreto | Helmand Province | Battambang Province | La Convención Province | Hakkâri Province | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) | Northern Province | Mendoza Province | Guanacaste Province | Province of New York | Fars Province | Boulgou Province | Province | Manabí Province | El Oro Province |