
6 unusual facts about Lovers of Teruel


Lovers of Teruel: Juan Martinez (aka Diego Marcilla) and Isabel Segura (alleged date)

Juan de Ávalos

Author of Los amantes de Teruel (The Lovers of Teruel) in Teruel, Monumento a Luis Carrero Blanco (Monument to Luis Carrero Blanco) in Santoña, Cantabria, his most important works are those of the Valle de los Caídos ("The Valley of the Fallen"), a majestic monument in Madrid where Francisco Franco's body lies.

Lovers of Teruel

Diego was not heard from in those five years and so on the day of the five years' close Isabel's father married her to Don Pedro de Azagra from Albarracín.

According to 'professor' Antonio Beltrán, the legend grew when two mummies were found in San Peter’s Church (Teruel, Aragón, Spain), in 1555; and it was believed that they were Diego Marcilla and Isabel Segura, the lovers.

The Lovers of Teruel (in Spanish Los amantes de Teruel) is a romance story that is alleged to have taken place in 1217 in the city of Teruel (Aragón).

The two deaths caused by love inspired the citizens of Teruel and they demanded that the two be buried side by side so that at least in death they could be together.

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