
2 unusual facts about Luca Zaia

Luca Zaia

Zaia’s tough negotiation with EU Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel, led to a five percent increase, meaning that since April 2009, Italian dairy farmers have had an additional 620,000 tons of milk production, allowing for increased revenues and lower overproduction fines.

During his career as a public manager he implemented principles of economization that are concretely realized in such projects as the Strategic Plan of the Province of Treviso and a master planning project that involved major European cities including Barcelona, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Lyon, Stockholm, Seville, and Valencia.

Venetian regional election, 2005

Also the post of Vice President of Veneto went to a lighista, Luca Zaia, in place of Fabio Gava (Forza Italia), who had been also Minister of Health in second term.

see also