He was among the first to take part in the agitation in Canada against the British government, was present at the assembly of the six confederate counties at St. Charles, 23 October 1837, and left the meeting convinced that insurrection was the only remedy for Canadian grievances.
Lucien Bonaparte | Lucien Favre | Lucien Lelong | Lucien Rosengart | Lucien Bouchard | Patrick Lucien Price | Lucien Wercollier | Lucien Lévy-Bruhl | Lucien Gaudin | Jean Gagnon | Charles Lucien Bonaparte | Monique Gagnon-Tremblay | Lucien Van Impe | Lucien N. Nedzi | Lucien Laurent | Lucien Laurat | Lucien Febvre | Lucien Arbel | Lucien Aimé-Blanc | Lucien | Jon Lucien | Jack Lucien | Ernest Gagnon | Lucien Whiting Powell | Lucien Shaw | Lucien Sarti | Lucien Sanial | Lucien Matte | Lucien Lison | Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer |