Stantic is one of the most important producers working in the "New Argentine Cinema," responsible for the debut films of some of the most critically well regarded new Argentinian filmmakers such as Lucrecia Martel, Pablo Trapero, and Israel Adrián Caetano.
She attended talks, meetings and workshops with cineastes and cinematographers like Mike Leigh, Lucrecia Martel, Wim Wenders, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Lisandro Alonso, Felix Monti, Alex McDowell and Andrej Wajda.
Charles Martel | Yann Martel | Diane Martel | Rick Martel | Saint-Denis-lès-Martel | Martel, Lot | Lucrecia Martel | Sherri Martel | Martel | Les Ponts-de-Martel | Giffard Le Quesne Martel | Bernard, son of Charles Martel | "Sensational" Sherri Martel | Morris-Martel | Marcel Martel | Lucrecia Kasilag | John Martel | James B. Aguayo-Martel | Édouard-Alfred Martel |