
6 unusual facts about Yann Martel

Inforum of the Commonwealth Club

In 2007, Inforum began a series of Salon discussions that enable members to interact with prominent writers and thinkers, including Yann Martel, author of The Life of Pi.

Le Petit Chose

Canadian author Yann Martel (Life of Pi), in talking about his most memorable childhood book, recalled Le Petit Chose, saying that he read it when he was ten years old, and that it was the first time he found a book so heartbreaking that it moved him to tears.


Puducherry was the setting for the first third of the Booker prize-winning novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

Random House of Canada

They have published work by some of the country's most distinguished and notable authors, including Margaret Atwood, Farley Mowat, Yann Martel, Mordecai Richler, Douglas Coupland, and Michael Ondaatje.

Thomas Olde Heuvelt

He later discovered the works of a wider range of contemporary writers like Jonathan Safran Foer, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Neil Gaiman and Yann Martel, whom he calls his greatest influences.

Tomislav Torjanac

In 2006 Torjanac won the international competition to illustrate a new edition of Yann Martel’s 2002 Man Booker Prize-winning novel Life of Pi.

Manners of Dying

Manners of Dying is a 2004 Canadian drama film based on the short story of the same name (1993) by Yann Martel, winner of the Man Booker Prize for his book, The Life of Pi.

see also

Solar still

In Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi, the main character, Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi), survives on a life boat in the Pacific with a Bengal tiger by using twelve solar stills to extract fresh water from saline ocean water.