
3 unusual facts about Luis de Gongora

Luis de Góngora

culteranismo and its widespread use of flowery neologisms, including sulquivagante (he who plies the seas; to travel without a clear destination); speluncas ("caves"); surculos (sprouts, scions).

The narrator of the Captain Alatriste series, a friend of Francisco de Quevedo within the stories, illustrates Góngora’s feuding with Quevedo, both by quoting poetry from each as well as describing Quevedo’s attitude toward Góngora through the course of the story.

Portrait of Don Luis de Góngora

Portrait of Don Luis de Góngora is a 1622 painting in oils of the poet Luis de Góngora by Diego Velázquez.

Belén Gache

A second collection made in 2011, Gongora WordToys, focuses on the figure of the Spanish Baroque poet Luis de Gongora deconstructing his masterpiece Soledades (Solitudes).

José de Cañizares

Also extant are a few of Cañizares' non-dramatic works, most notably a collection of lyrics for villancicos de Navidad (Christmas carols) commissioned by the Royal Chapel of Madrid, and two examples of Gongorine-style funereal prose in honor of the Dauphin of France, father of Felipe V.

Juan van der Hamen

He executed a portrait of Philip IV and worked during the 1620s in a series of portraits of the principal intellectuals and writers of his time, including: Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, Luis de Góngora, Jose de Valdivieso, Juan Pérez de Montalbán, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón and Francisco de Rioja.

Philippe Jaccottet

He has translated numerous authors and poets into French, including Goethe, Hölderlin, Mann, Mandelstam, Góngora, Leopardi, Musil, Rilke, Homer and Ungaretti.

see also