
3 unusual facts about Luke the Evangelist

Everard Digby

On 21 October Digby, his wife, Garnet and Vaux were at Harrowden celebrating a delayed Feast of St Luke.

Irvin Baxter, Jr.

According to his website, Mr. Baxter became intensely interested in Bible prophecy at the age of 20, when a visiting evangelist taught that the four beasts of the book of Revelation, chapter four, were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

St John's Anglican Church, Dalby

The Reverend Benjamin Glennie had a plan to establish the (then) Church of England on the Darling Downs through four churches in the larger towns named after the four apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Four Evangelists

Luke the Evangelist, the author of the third gospel account (and the Acts of the Apostles) is symbolized by a winged ox or bull – a figure of sacrifice, service and strength.

San Luca

San Luca was founded on October 18, 1592, by the Prince Sigismund Loffredo and named after the saint of that particular day, Luke the Evangelist, who became the patron saint of the town.

Tears of the Prodigal Son

The poem Tears of the Prodigal Son draws on the well-known biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32, the basis of which forms a story on a father forgiving his son's spendthriftness and greed, after the son comes back home remorseful of his actions.

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