
unusual facts about Lyall


Lyall Bay, a bay and a suburb on the south side of the Rongotai isthmus in Wellington, New Zealand

Alfred Comyn Lyall

Lyall's ideas regarding the development and organisation of society in India were developed principally during the time he spent working in the Central Provinces, Berar and Rajputana between 1865 and 1878.

Asma al-Assad

On 16 April 2012, Huberta von Voss Wittig and Sheila Lyall Grant, the wives of the German and British ambassadors to the United Nations, released a four-minute video asking Asma al-Assad to stand up for peace and urge her husband to end the bloodshed in her country.

Charles James Lyall

Educated initially at King's College School and then King's College London, in 1863 Lyall went on to study Greats at Balliol College, Oxford, from which he graduated in 1867 with a BA degree.


To expand its coverage to surrounding areas, CHUB increased its power to 1000 watts in 1951, with Sun employees Chuck Rudd and Sheila Hassel arriving to manage the station; among the later staff at the station were evening DJ Larry Thomas (who joined that year), morning host Lyall Feltham (in 1956), news director Pat O'Neill and sports announcer Jim Robson (who arrived from Port Alberni's CJAV).

Hallam Bypass Trail

From here the trail passes by Wilson Botanic Park and a small stand of pine trees before reaching its terminus at Lyall Road, near the Berwick Village main street.

Hazlehead, Aberdeen

# Information about William Rose is sourced from "The Gilcomston Story", an account of Gilcomston South Church from its beginnings to 1945, written by Francis Lyall.

Henry Hall

Lyall Hall (Henry Lyall Hall), member of the West Australian parliament

International Joint Commission

Currently, the three Canadian commissioners are Joe Comuzzi (Canadian Chair), Pierre Trepanier, and Lyall Knott; on the US side are commissioners Lana Pollack (US Chair), Dereth Glance and Rich Moy.

John Lyall

When West Ham played Middlesbrough in the FA Cup Semi-final on 23 April 2006 at Villa Park, a one-minute silence was held in Lyall's honour, although after only a few seconds the West Ham fans started a chant of "Johnny Lyall's Claret and Blue Army" in tribute to their most successful ever manager.

Lyall Howard

In the book, The Great War, author Les Carlyon details the experiences of Lyall Howard on the front line, captured by the handwritten notes in Lyall's war diary.

Mark Lyall Grant

In April 2012, Lady Lyall Grant, with Huberta von Voss Wittig, made a video appeal to Asma al-Assad, calling on the Syrian first lady to take a stand against violence in her country.

see also