
4 unusual facts about International Joint Commission

By-elections to the 37th Canadian Parliament

The Right Honourable Herb Gray had represented the Windsor-Essex area for nearly forty years when he retired in 2002 to accept a job as Canadian Chair of the International Joint Commission.

International Joint Commission

Currently, the three Canadian commissioners are Joe Comuzzi (Canadian Chair), Pierre Trepanier, and Lyall Knott; on the US side are commissioners Lana Pollack (US Chair), Dereth Glance and Rich Moy.

Matthew E. Welsh

In 1965, President Johnson appointed him the International Joint Commission that oversaw a range of issues affecting both Canada and the United States, he continued on the commission until 1970.

After leaving office he served as chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party, a member of the Democratic National Committee from 1964 until 1968 and as a federal commissioner on the International Joint Commission from 1966 until 1970.

see also

Neil J. Campbell

He was assigned the responsibility of organizing the federal government's program for the study of pollution of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario for the International Joint Commission which led establishment of the Canada Centre for Inland Waters.