Heide | TSV 1860 München | 1860 | Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 | 1860 in literature | United States presidential election in Vermont, 1860 | United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 | Battle of Taku Forts (1860) | Style (manner of address) | style (manner of address) | Het Notite Boeck der Christelyckes Kercke op de Manner of Philips Burgh | Heide Schmidt | Woodcut for ''Die Bibel in Bildern'', 1860, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld | ''View of the Donau with Lumberyard'' (c. 1860), Universalmuseum Joanneum | TSV 1860 Rosenheim | Tornau vor der Heide | Tami Heide | Randi Heide Steen | Pony Express (1860-1861) | ''N.E. view of '''PENNYAN''', Yates Co., N.Y.'' (circa 1856-1860) by John Warner Barber | Henry Drummond (1786–1860) | Henry Drummond (1786-1860) | Heide-Land | Heide-Itzehoe Geest | Godulla's palace at Schomberg about 1860. Painting by Alexander Duncker | Battle of Colberger Heide | 1860 in poetry | 1860 Democratic National Convention |
The station was built in a manner similar to Griviţa and Gara de Nord II, employing a wide central platform, a blue-grey, dark color scheme using black granite floors, blue and grey synthetic walls and chrome and aluminum metal insertions.
The epic, written in a very dreary and turgid manner, but in good rhymed heroic verse, deals with the adventures of King David from his boyhood to the smiting of Amalek by Saul, where it abruptly closes.
The drug affects users in a similar manner as the potion in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
New inmate Rachel Hicks arrives in prison terrified – not helped by the brusque manner of jaded Senior Officer Sylvia "BodyBag" Hollamby.
Recipient of Pride of Performance Award from the Vice Chancellor, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, July 2000 for playing key role in organising Techo-99 in befitting manner.
Their aim was to effectively create a "BioSLAX CLOUD" where students and staff may instantiate any number BioSLAX servers dynamically for research and education (conduct bioinformatics practical labs by having students connect to the servers via suitable X Window clients such as X-Win32, VNC, Exceed and NoMachine NX) or deployed in such a manner which when used in conjunction with the UD Grid mpagent may be used to form a cluster for processing large jobs.
He comes from a rich family (he is the son of Vexacion, one of the Regents) and has been raised to fight in a manner similar to ancient Spartans (a particularly disturbing SOL sequence shows a prepubescent Bosch killing a Genic five times his size at the demand of his father).
Another reference comes after Brian is freed, he drinks from a drinking fountain in a defiant manner, a reference to the 1974 television movie, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.
In the end, Ellidyr, son of Pen-Llarcau, gave his life in this manner.
During this time, Chomley’s London home in Ladbroke Gardens became a social hub for his fellow Antipodeans; as Brenda Niall writes in her biography of the Boyd family, Chomley’s restless temper and radical ideas fostered an environment in which topics of any manner could be discussed.
Judo, if practiced in a manner which emphasizes self-defense.
The villa, which is open to the public, is particularly known for its interior decorations in the “Chinese” manner.
In a similar manner, the lyrics in later verses describe the accomplishments of Captain Robert Falcon Scott, and Christopher Columbus.
The term has also been used to refer to other extraordinary circumstances which might result in a person acting in a manner not ordinarily accepted as common practice, such as the circumstances described by Dr. Muhammad Hedayetullah in relation to the Islamic prayer, salat.
Inertial frame of reference In physics, an inertial frame of reference (also Galilean reference frame or inertial space) is a frame of reference that describes time and space homogeneously, isotropically, and in a time-independent manner.
Thus, the court held that according to Funk the manner of implementation of a natural principle must itself be patentable, as Flook subsequently held.
O' Neill's artistic manner was similar to that of Thomas Webster and Frederick Daniel Hardy.
Replacing "kill" for "fuck", Carlin incorporates new references including "Shamu the fucker whale" with Carlin swimming away in a panicking manner.
Using the Blitzkrieg, Guderian, Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist and other field commanders such as Rommel broke the hiatus of the Phoney War in a manner almost outside the comprehension of the Allied — and, indeed, the German — High Command.
Born in New York City of African-American heritage, he graduated from Erasmus Hall High School in 1960, where he stood out for both his talent and gentle, easygoing manner.
The Confederate Senator Thomas Semmes, in proposing this motto, took pains to stress that the CSA had "deviated in the most emphatic manner from the spirit that presided over the construction of the Constitution of the United States, which is silent on the subject of the Deity".
His works for organ have been called "expressive in a post-Romantic manner.
His work underscored the importance of gentleness, forgiveness, and loyalty; declined to endorse dramatic claims about the power of the individual mind to effect unilateral transformations of external material circumstances; and stressed the need for the mind to let go of destructive cognitions in a manner not unlike that encouraged by the cognitive-behavioral therapy of Aaron T. Beck and the rational emotive behavior therapy commended by Albert Ellis.
2006: Brigitte Hörbuch-Edition - Starke Stimmen: Die Männer - Der Reinfall
2003 The Thing About Men (Off-Broadway) (book, lyrics) (musical version of the German comedy film by Doris Dörrie, Männer... (Men...), from 1985) with music by Jimmy Roberts
In the same manner as Gil Polo in his Diana, he makes the river Turia pronounce the praises of the celebrated Valencians.
The road starts from the Queens Road end of the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium and after curving in a serpentine manner meets its destination at the junction of Bangalore Club with Richmond Circle.
Vitruvius recommends that Liber's temples follow an Ionic Greek model, as a "just measure between the severe manner of the Doric and the tenderness of the Corinthian," respectful of the deity's part-feminine characteristics.
The sheriff of Logan County in the 1920s, Don Chafin, was allegedly paid handsomely by the coal companies to keep the United Mine Workers union out of Logan County, and he and his deputies brutally performed this task in such a thorough manner that the union could gain no foothold at all.
Those who practice malandragem (o malandro) act in the manner of the popular Brazilian adage, immortalized in a catch phrase of former Brazilian soccer player Gérson de Oliveira Nunes in a cigarette TV commercial (hence the name it was given: Lei do Gérson, or Gérson's law): “I like to get an advantage in everything.”
Manner wafers could also be seen on the glass counter in the Central Perk café during season six of the TV sitcom Friends.
In a similar manner to Andre the Butcher, the film's cover art is misleading, falsely presenting itself to be a serious horror film.
However, in maintaining the maritime link, all Royal Navy air stations are additionally named in the same manner as the Navy's ships - in Yeoviltons' instance, it is also called HMS Heron.
Estradiol influences cognitive function, specifically by enhancing learning and memory in a dose-sensitive manner.
Elephant seals do not have a developed a system of echolocation in the manner of cetaceans, but their vibrissae, which are sensitive to vibrations, are assumed to play a role in search of food.
Benko claims that the manner of Peregrinus’s suicide seems to have been shaped in some part by the public martyrdom of early Christians like Polycarp.
Her eldest son, Gottfried, 8th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, was named in an unsavory manner as part of the custody suit over Gloria Vanderbilt ("Little Gloria") between her mother Gloria Laura Mercedes Morgan (1904–1965) and the child's aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney.
The rank indicates some particular points about the manner of celebrating the day: for instance, the Mass of a Solemnity will include recitation of Gloria in Excelsis and Creed, that of what is now called in a specific technical sense a Feast will have Gloria but not Creed.
He moved to Paris, then Peyrat-le-Chateau, near Limoges, living there illegally with his Jewish wife Hedwig, in a quiet, secluded manner, until 1944 .
According to Maxim Jakubowski and Jonathan Braund "it appears that his (Stephenson's) cultured manner and eagerness to assist the police with arcane knowledge evoked their admiration rather than their suspicion".
The device is usually mentioned as a joke between engineers, in the manner of a fool's errand, since there is no evidence of one ever having been constructed until very recently.
Synchronicity, the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner
Outlining the find's removal to the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen, he then outlines the manner in which the head was conserved for public display at the Silkeborg Museum.
The inner artwork includes images of other dinosaur skulls steganographically overlapped in a similar manner to the front cover, including a pachycephalosaur and an ankylosaur.
At Tidnish Bridge, the river flows the final 2 kilometres in a serpentine manner to discharge into the Northumberland Strait at Jacksons Point on Baie Verte.
Case assignment for core participants behaves in a broadly split-intransitive manner, though actual assignment is very complex, involving semantic role, focus, relative animacy of the participants (first or second person versus third), and nature of the noun itself.
Brazilian President Itamar Franco strongly opposed the UN decision, saying "The Security Council's special powers should not be invoked in an indiscriminate manner in the name of a 'search for more rapid means' to respond to attacks on democracy, because it violates the basic principles of peaceful co-existence between nations and normal UN legal procedures."
The term "Valley Girl" and the Valley manner of speech was given a wider circulation with the release of a hit 1982 single by Frank Zappa entitled "Valley Girl", on which Moon Unit Zappa, Frank's then fourteen-year-old daughter, delivered a monologue in "Valley speak" behind the music.
It is to be noted that the vision therapy approach that is widespread in the U.S. and which has led to recover stereopsis in a number of persons, most notably Susan R. Barry, is diametrically opposed to the use of prisms in the manner that is advocated in the MKH method.
This is observed in various centres of Ramakrishna Math and Mission in a traditional Hindu manner which includes mangalarati, special worship, homa (fire-ritual), meditation, devotional songs, religious discourses, sandhyarati (versper service in the evenings), and so on.