
4 unusual facts about granite

Granite, Iowa

Granite was founded on June 12, 1886 at the request of the owners of the land, Richard and Bessie Pettigrew.

Granite, Virginia

The McIntosh Quarry furnished the stone used in the approaches and steps in the renovation and expansion of the Virginia State Capitol which had recently been completed (1904–06).

Granite was named for the granite rock formations which underlie the rapids of the river at the geological fall line which begin downstream from the current Williams Island Dam.

Shindler, South Dakota

In 1886 the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railroad built a railway line from Larchwood, Iowa, through Granite, Iowa, Springdale Township in Lincoln County, to Sioux Falls.

1 Mai metro station

The station was built in a manner similar to Griviţa and Gara de Nord II, employing a wide central platform, a blue-grey, dark color scheme using black granite floors, blue and grey synthetic walls and chrome and aluminum metal insertions.

1989 Ungava earthquake

The earthquake occurred within the Utsalik domain, which consists mainly of Archean granitic and granodioritic rocks.

Alabama State Capitol

The remaining granite figures for the base, representing the military branches, were contracted from Barnicoat Monuments in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Alexander Finta

In Rio de Janeiro, Finta created many monuments, including Strength, a 12-foot granite statue for the Fluminenci Club.

Baltimore City Circuit Courthouses

Granite, quarried from Woodstock, Maryland, wraps the basement level and provides a solid base for the white marble-six story courthouse facade.


There is a large granite outcrop called Mt. Pandi about 25 km (15.5 mi) north of town, just west of the P5 road to Ngoura.

CenturyLink Building

Minnesota construction materials were used in the building, with a granite exterior from Morton, Minnesota on the first floor and limestone from Kasota, Minnesota on subsequent stories.

Claudia Luke

She was once the Co-Director of Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center, Mojave Desert, CA and Adjunct Professor, University of California.

Cliffy Island Lighthouse

The Cliffy Island Lighthouse is located atop Cliffy Island, a steep-sided island which is the summit of a granite submarine mountain in the Bass Strait.

Clinton Thomas Dent

He then turned his attention to the Aiguille du Dru (3,754 m), a steep granite peak in the Mont Blanc massif that had been ignored by the early generation of alpinists whose ambitions had been focused more on the higher mountains.


It is made of Criffel granite; a type of rock that is only normally found in Dumfries, Scotland.


Danevirke 6 — Hovedvolden and Thyraborg
Valdemar I fortified the rest of Hovedvolden with the famous "Valdemar-wall", a 7-m high wall of stones in mortar on a granite boulder base, propped up with buttresses and covered with tiles.


Widgery Cross – granite cross atop Brat Tor, memorial erected by Dartmoor artist William Widgery to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887

Death and the Sculptor

They frequently collaborated on commissions, the most notable one being the granite Sphinx (1873) that resides in Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Drummond Nature Reserve

The granite areas have two types one is an area covered by Xanthorrhoea preissii, Gastrolobium calycinum with a Borya herbfield and the other is dominated by Melaleuca, Dodonaea also with a herbfield of Borya.

Geography of Belize

Belizean geology consists largely of varieties of limestone, with the notable exception of the Maya Mountains, a large uplifted block of intrusive Paleozoic granite and sediments running northeast to southwest across the south-central part of the country.

Hans Peder Pedersen-Dan

These include the Little Horn-Blower at City Hall Square in Copenhagen (bronze, 1899), the four granite elephants of the Elephant Gate at the Ny Carlsberg brewery in Valby (1901) and a statue of Ogier the Dane for the romantic gardens at Marienlyst House (bronze 1907).


Havmannen, or Havmann (in English: "The Man from the Sea") is a granite stone sculpture by the English artist Antony Gormley located in the city of Mo i Rana in Northern Norway.


Haytor granite was used in the reconstruction of London Bridge which opened in 1831 and was moved in 1970 to Lake Havasu City in Arizona.


Hureaulite is also found in a granite pegmatite known for its phosphates in the Aimorés pegmatite district, at the Cigana claim in Galiléia, Doce valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, formerly known as the Jocão Mine.

Jacques Herbrand

In July of that year he was mountain-climbing in the French Alps with two friends when he fell to his death in the granite mountains of Massif des Écrins.

John DiStaso

Today DiStaso writes the paper's weekly political column, "Granite Status" and was one of the moderators for the 2004 Democratic presidential candidates debate held on January 22, 2004 in Goffstown, New Hampshire.

Kings Domain, Melbourne

A statue of Sir Edward "Weary" Dunlop is made from bronze, granite and metal spikes from the Burma-Thailand Railway in 1995 by Peter Corlett.

Lagidium ahuacaense

Lagidium ahuacaense is known only from Cerro El Ahuaca, a steep granite inselberg near Cariamanga in Loja Province, southern Ecuador, where it occurs at an altitude of 1950 to 2480 m (6400 to 8140 ft), but only near rocky surfaces.

Marischal College

The building was substantially extended between 1893 and 1905 by Alexander Marshall Mackenzie, and with its new "granite cage" front, enclosing the quadrangle, it became the second-largest granite building in the world (exceeded only by the Escorial Palace near Madrid).

Mosque of Amir al-Maridani

In this case, the granite columns were taken from the Fatimid mosque of Rashida, though they were originally taken from ancient monuments.

Mount Morris, Wisconsin

The main roadways through Mount Morris include State Hwy 152, which travels from Wautoma to the Town of Mt. Morris, County W towards Saxeville and Pine River, County G towards Wild Rose, and County S towards Red Granite.


The province possesses rich minerals and raw materials resources – Muruntau gold-bearing field, silica sand fields (of more than 1.5 billion tons), deposits of granite (1.9 billion cubic meters), marble (420 million cubic meters), phosphorites (1.5 billion tons) and many others.

Newry Town Hall

The granite monument in the forefront of the picture was erected in honour of local man Terence Bannon, who, on June 1, 2003, became the first citizen of Newry to conquer Mount Everest.

Nikolai Tomsky

His distinctive red-granite Lenin stood in the Leninplatz of East Berlin from 1970 to 1992.

North Pennine Batholith

The Weardale Granite pluton is the largest and the only one that has been proved (sampled), after the Rookhope Borehole confirmed Martin Bott's hypothesis that a large negative gravity anomaly under Weardale represented a low-density igneous intrusion.


A wide granite staircase leads up to a pedimented entrance, flanked by two Italian sculptures of Justice and Prudence.

Pierre Allain

He wore these on the sandstone boulders as well as on the granite walls of the Alps, where he made several famous first ascents, including the north face of the Aiguille du Dru.


The base of the building is made of Stony Creek pink granite; the herringbone ceilings that graced the vaulted waiting room are constructed with Guastavino tiles (also used in New York’s Grand Central Terminal and the adjacent Oyster Bar); and the station’s prominent clock tower, embellished with eight gargoyles, was modeled after the Torre del Mangia on the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena Italy.


Riebeckite granite was used for the facing stones of the Canton Viaduct from Moyles Quarry (a.k.a. Canton Viaduct Quarry) now part of Borderland State Park in Massachusetts, USA.

Shap Rural

Shapbeck Limestone quarry owned by Hanson plc is in the northern part of the parish though the Hardendale Corus limestone quarry and works and the famous Cemex (formerly RMC) Shap Granite quarries and works are within both Shap Rural and Shap parishes.

Short Beach

From 1891 until she died in 1930, poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox lived on the Short Beach coast overlooking Granite Bay.

Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital

It is a granite faced building that is said to have been influenced by George Papworth.

Spencer H. Osborn

He served for ten years as president of the LDS Church's Granite Stake in Salt Lake County, Utah.

Styles Bridges

He was the secretary of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation from 1922 until 1923, and the editor of the Granite Monthly Magazine from 1924 until 1926.

Sundown National Park

The trap rock which underlays most of the park contains granite intrusions which has caused some fracturing.

Super President

The President now has increased strength and the Metamorpho-like ability to change his molecular composition at will to any form required (like granite, steel, ozone, water and even electricity).

Union Bridge

Union Bridge, Aberdeen, the world's largest single-span granite bridge, over the Denburn valley, connecting the east and west ends of Union Street, Aberdeen, Scotland

Uppland Runic Inscription 933

Uppland Runic Inscription 933 or U 933 is the Rundata catalog number for a granite Viking Age memorial runestone located at the Uppsala Cathedral, which is in the center of Uppsala, Sweden.

W.N. Flynt Granite Co.

Many public buildings in Monson and the surrounding communities were constructed of Flynt granite, but the quarry also shipped granite for buildings in Boston, New York, Chicago, and even as far as Kansas and Iowa.

Wet grinder

Wet grinders are largely manufactured in Coimbatore because granite is easily available in this region.

Wingellina, Western Australia

Surrounded by large granite hills with mulga and mallee country, the community maintains many traditional activities such as hunting and gathering bush tucker as well as making many carved wooden artefacts.

Wudinna, South Australia

This granite was employed in the construction of The Australian Farmer, an 8 metre (26 ft) high statute that was carved in the town as a community project to commemorate the early settlers.

see also