In effect, the organisation of university studies made it necessary to have a more precise definition, which create the level of "maîtrise".
His concentration on the object itself marked a step towards modern connoisseuship, and in his Mémoire (1755) on the method of encaustic painting, the ancient technique of painting with wax as a medium mentioned by Pliny the Elder, he claimed to have rediscovered the method.
Among his better known works were an edition of Persian polymath Omar Khayyám (L'algèbre d'Omar Alkhayyami, publiée, traduite et accompagnée d'extraits des manuscrits inédits, 1851) and an edition of Fakhri Muhammad Alkarajî (Extrait du Fakhrî, traité d'algèbre par Mohammed Alkarkbi, précédé d'un mémoire sur l'algèbre indéterminée chez les Arabes, 1853).
Among other books he published "Mémoire sur la langue et les moeurs des peuples slaves", "Fragments sur l'histoire et la littérature de la République de Raguse et sur la langue slave", translated Ivan Gundulić'es Osman (Osman, poéme illyrien en vingt chants) in 1838.
G. Lamé, B. P. Clapeyron, Memoire sur la solidification par refroiddissement d'un globe solide, Ann.
She has also interpreted Romeo and Juliet, Buak, Bolero, Swan Lake, The Taming of the Shrew, Cinderella, A la memoire (Mahler), Carmina Burana (Carl Orff) and Orpheus (Stravinsky).
introduction by Mary Douglas, includes a translation of: ‘La mémoire collective chez les musiciens’, Revue philosophique, no. 3 – 4 (1939)
In 1866, he published his first mémoire which was on the anatomy of Hemiptera.
In 1788 he published his Mémoire sur l'esclavage des négres as an opponent of Abbé Raynal, who advocated the abolition of slavery.
Rømer appears to be collecting data on eclipses of the Galilean moons in the form of an aide-mémoire, possibly as he was preparing to return to Denmark in 1681.
Jean-François Barrière, Mémoire de Linguet et de Latude (Paris, 1884)
Other pieces include his Désintégrations for 17 instruments and tape, Mémoire/Erosion for French horn and nine instruments Ethers for flute and ensemble, Winter Fragments, for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and electronics as well as Vampyr! for electric guitar.