
unusual facts about MIL-STD-1553

A Tempestade, ou O Livro dos Dias

Possibly reflecting Renato Russo's health, who was eventually aggravating due to his alcoholic crisis and the AIDS he caught, the tracks are very melancholic, introspective and depressing, with emphasis given to "Mil Pedaços", "Soul Parsifal" (co-written by Marisa Monte), "Longe do Meu Lado", "Quando Você Voltar" and "A Via Láctea", considered by fans to be the most depressing song by Legião.


Amruthur now has STD (national calling) and ISD (international calling) services, and cellphone service is available from different vendors.

António Ferreira

Ferreira wrote the Terentian prose comedy, Bristo in (1553), at the age of twenty-five, and dedicated it to Prince John in the name of the university.

Antony Crockett

He is the son of John Crockett, (John Angus Basil) the artist, playwright and television and film director, grandson of Colonel Basil Crockett (Basil Edwin) DSO and William Joseph Stern OBE (civ.), nephew of Colonel Anthony John Stewart Crockett RM, OBE (Mil.), ADC, and descendant of the Blessed Ralph Crockett, English Martyr.

Auger de Moléon de Granier

He published unedited manuscripts, including Les Mémoires de la roine Marguerite et Les Lettres de Messire de Paul de Foix, archevesque de Toloze et ambassadeur pour le roy aupres du pape Grégoire XIII, escrites au roi Henry III in 1628, though the authenticity of the letters in the latter is doubtful.

Battle of Sievershausen

The Battle of Sievershausen occurred on 9 July 1553 in Sievershausen (today part of Lehrte in present-day Germany), between the Catholic Imperial troops and those of the Protestant Schmalkaldic League.

Brawling Act 1553

Section 6 of the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 provided that nothing contained thereinbefore in that Act was to be taken to repeal or alter the Brawling Act 1553.

Conquest of Chile

These battles allowed to Valdiva to build cities on Indian territories such as Concepcion in 1550, La Imperial, Valdivia in 1552, Villarrica in 1552 and Los Confines in 1553.

Emilio Villareal

Born in Boljo-on, Cebu in 1920, Mil was one of several children born to Chinese and Spanish immigrants.

Ernest I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau

#George III, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, later Anhalt-Plötzkau (b. Dessau, 15 August 1507 - d. Dessau, 17 October 1553).

Field telephone

Mod 1932 Developed by Elektrisk Bureau for the Norwegian forces, approved in 1932 (as the 1st std. field telephone), but never made in great numbers, due to bureaucracy and the start of WWII.

Franz von Waldeck

Count Franz von Waldeck (1491 – 15 July 1553), was Prince-Bishop of Münster, Osnabrück, and Minden and a leading figure in putting down the Münster Rebellion.

Gabriel de Luetz

Gabriel de Luetz (as M. d'Aramon, Baron de Luetz) plays a small but significant role in the book Pawn in Frankincense, part of the historical fiction series the Lymond Chronicles by Dorothy Dunnett, which is partly set in Constantinople and Pera in 1553.

Gasparo Duiffopruggar

It is believed that Duiffopruggar was born near Füssen in Bavaria, Germany, and had moved to Lyon, France, where he did most of his work, by 1553.

Generic top-level domain

The initial set of top-level domains, defined by RFC 920 in October 1984, was a set of "general purpose domains": com, edu, gov, mil, org.

Henry Fortescue

Henry Fortescue (died 1576) (by 1515–1576), English MP for Maldon and Sudbury and High Sheriff of Essex, 1553

Henry Sutton Dudley

A close associate of his second cousin, the Duke of Northumberland, he was arrested on 25 July 1553 at Calais.


During the following decades (~1480–1553) Hertník changed several owners (János Szapolyai, Ferdinand I, Bernard Baran, Hieronym Lasky and Matej Lobocký).

Holy orders

The Roman Catholic Church judged Anglican orders invalid when Pope Leo XIII in 1896 wrote in Apostolicae Curae that Anglican orders lack validity because the rite by which priests were ordained was not correctly worded from 1547 to 1553 and from 1558 to the time of Archbishop William Laud, (Archbishop of Canterbury 1633–1645).

Hostmen of Newcastle upon Tyne

In 1553, during the reign of Edward VI, John Dudley, the Duke of Northumberland sponsored an act allowing Newcastle to annexe Gateshead and its surrounding area from the bishopric of Durham.

Hybricon SFF-4 Small Form Factor

The SFF-4 is designed in a supporting role for input/output for airborne and ground vehicle control applications, supporting I/O for Ethernet, serial, video, 1553 or Canbus.

Jacquet de Berchem

His exact activities in the early 1550s are not known, but he made the acquaintance of patrons in Rome and Monopoli, and through one of these patrons met his future wife, Giustina de Simeonibus, to whom he was married in 1553.

Jean de Nogaret de La Valette

He was born at Caumont-Guienne, the son of Pierre Nogaret de La Valette (1497-1553) and Marguerite de L'Isle de St. Aignan (1499-1535), and died in battle at the Siege of La Rochelle (1572-1573).

Johannes Heer

Johannes Heer of Glarus (1489-1553) was a song composer and copyist, and later minister in the Reformed Church.

John Williams, 1st Baron Williams of Thame

John Williams, 1st Baron Williams of Thame (c.1500 – 14 October 1559) was Treasurer of the King's Jewels, Lord Chamberlain of England (1553–1557) and Lord President of the Council of the Welsh Marches.

Jorge Llopis

Jorge Llopis (1919–1976) was a Spanish satirist, actor and playwright best known for Los Pelópidas, a two-act satire of Greek tragedy, and for the parodic false anthology of the Spanish poetry Las mil peores poesías de la lengua castellana.

Justus Jonas

He wandered from place to place preaching, and finally went to Eisfeld, Thuringia (1553), where he died.

Little Angels' English Higher Secondary School

The school is the only one in the region following the X-std ICSE and XII-std CISCE's national curriculum.

Marcantonio Maffei

He was elected Archbishop of Chieti on July 14, 1553; he succeeded his brother Barnardino Maffei as archbishop.

Máscara Año 2000

Jesús Reyes González (born March 10, 1958) is a Mexican Luchador, or professional wrestler, best known under the ring name Máscara Año 2000 or Máscara Año Dos Mil.

Mil Mi-60

The Mil Mi-60MAI is a three-seat light helicopter first seen as a mockup at Moscow Salon in 2001.


The North Cape first became famous when the English explorer Richard Chancellor rounded it in 1553 while attempting to find a sea route through the Northeast Passage.

North Cape, Norway

The North Cape was named by the Englishman Steven Borough, captain of the Edward Bonaventure, which sailed past in 1553 in search of the Northeast Passage.


In 1123 Roger of Sicily took the island, and in 1311 an Aragonese fleet, under the command of Lluís de Requesens, won a considerable victory here, and his family became princes of Pantelleria until 1553, when the town was sacked by the Turks.

Particle counter

Though originating in the United States, the standard Federal Standard 209E was the first and most commonly referred to.

Pontifical Gregorian University

David Tracy, influential American Catholic theologian (STL 1964; STD 1969)

Realdo Colombo

The permeability of the septum was questioned by Michael Servetus in Christianismi Restitutio in 1553 and by Ibn al-Nafis in the 12th century and both proposed that the blood was pushed from the right ventricle to the left via the lungs, however, both of these accounts were largely forgotten.

San Pedro Jácuaro

San Pedro Jácuaro, or simply San Pedro, is a small town located about 110 Kilometers from Morelia, the Capital of the State of Michoacán, the two are connected by Mexican Federal Highway 15, but an alternate route is available which utilizes road 126, the first route Mexico 15 is usually avoided because of the treacherous road known as "Mil Cumbres", (thousand hills).


Other sources say that Scota was the daughter of Pharaoh Neferhotep I of Egypt and his wife Senebsen, and was the wife of Míl, that is Milesius, and the mother of Éber Donn and Érimón.


When access to the particular MIT computer was removed in 1983, fellow CP/M enthusiast Frank Wancho, then an employee at the White Sands Missile Range, arranged for the archive to be hosted on a DECSYSTEM-20 computer with ARPANET access, accessible via FTP at simtel20.arpa, later known as wsmr-simtel20.army.mil.


Yamazaki Sōkan (1465–1553), aka Sōkan, Japanese poet of renga and haikai

Steven Borough

In 1553 he took part in the expedition which was dispatched from the Thames under Sir Hugh Willoughby to look for a northern passage to Cathay and India, serving as master of the Edward Bonaventure, on which Richard Chancellor sailed as pilot in chief.

Takanashi clan

When the Takeda clan invaded their territory in 1553, the Takanashi allied with the Murakami, Ogasawara, and Suda clans.

Telephone numbers in New Zealand

STD codes were assigned with larger areas having short STD codes (e.g. Auckland - 09), while smaller areas had longer STD codes and shorter local numbers (e.g. Shannon - 06927).

Tomé de Sousa

In 1552, Sousa suggested that Rio de Janeiro might be a potential area for settlement and in 1553 he returned to Portugal to work under the King, acting as his adviser on Brazilian affairs.

United States Military Standard

MIL-STD-1246C, particle and molecular contamination levels for space hardware (has been replaced with IEST-STD-CC1246D).

Uno Entre Mil

This album has the Spanish version cover of "Uno su mille" (Uno entre mil) of the Italian singer Gianni Morandi.

Víctor Yturbe

Yturbe left behind as his legacy numerous recordings, which years later, and digitally remastered, would be used by well known musicians of Latin romantic music on a tribute CD with participants such as Cristian Castro (on the track Mil besos); Luis Fonsi (on the track Historia de un Amor) and Pandora (on the track Verdad Amarga), among many others.

see also